The Contact Timing strategy allows you to maximize your dialing efforts by calling each account during self-defined "Prime Time" windows. You define, for each service, which hours of the day are considered "Prime Time" hours. You have the ability to define weekday and weekend prime time hours for both the morning and the evening.

There are two separate options under Contact Timing: Prioritized Dialing and Restricted Dialing. Restricted Dialing is selected by clicking the Restrict button in the Contact Timing Editor.


Prioritized Dialing

When using the Prioritized Dialing strategy on a service, all phone numbers that meet the prime time calling hours are dialed first. When there are no phone numbers left to call within the prime time calling hour zones, the file begins dialing using the Curfew Only strategy (Follow the Sun). Prime time phone numbers are given top priority.

Restricted Dialing

When using the Restricted Dialing strategy on a service, only phone numbers that meet the prime time calling hours are dialed. Using this strategy ensures that each attempt is made during the defined prime time hours. When there are no phone numbers left in a file that fall within the defined prime time hours, no calls will go out until another defined prime time window begins. Non-prime time accounts are restricted from dialing.