Create a Dialing Profile
- Navigate to the Profile editor.
- You can create a completely new profile or one based on an existing profile:
- To create a completely new profile with no existing policies, select the Add Profile button..
- To create a new profile based on an existing profile, select Copy Profile after selecting the original from the Dialing Profiles drop down.
Policy Management
Modifying an existing policy:
- In the Profile editor General tab you can update an existing policy by double clicking on the specific row.
- This opens the Edit Policy screen, where you may modify any existing parameters. Click Ok to save any changes.
- The default dialing window for states with split time zones is set by LiveVox; however, any updates to the policy involving those states and time zones, will overwrite the default settings.

Adding a new policy
- Click on the Add Policy button from the bottom left menu. This presents the Add Policy screen as shown below:

- Select the applied region for the policy. This can be country, state, or area code.
- When no area code is selected the policy will be applied to all known area codes for the state. To set the dialing restriction for a country, you need to create a policy for each state within the country.
Only North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA) numbers are supported by LiveVox services at this time. |
- Select the specific day, weekdays or weekend and specify a Start Time and End Time during which dialing will be allowed. All times are recorded in Eastern Standard Time written in 24 HR (Military) format (so 5:30 PM would be 17:30).
- Select the options for Do Not Dial or Do Not Leave Messages. Start and End times are not required for these policies. When Do Not Dial or Do Not Leave Messages is selected for a policy the start/end times have no effect.
- Click Ok to accept updates.
- The new policy will be displayed in the Dialing Profile policies list in green:

- Click Save Profile to save updates in the Dialing Profile.
Dialing profiles allow you to restrict dialing Toll Free numbers when adding new policies. All available Toll Free Area Codes are grouped as Toll Free option from the State drop down when United States of America is selected as a Country. By default, these Toll Free numbers are enabled for dialing. To disable dialing them, simply select Do Not Dial flag when editing or adding the policy.

A new dialing profile will be available to assign and use in the Services and Client pages within their Settings tabs. Service level profile selection will override the Client level profile selection.

In the Associated Entities tab from the Profile editor you will be able to view the services or clients associated with the specific dialing profile.