In the Report Config tab, you can map the data to columns. A script report is a file that contains data collected from the script, created in the Data tab during a call. It could include data from the elements and fields that are added to the script, such as the buttons and options (radio buttons) that were clicked, the checkboxes that were selected, or the values that were entered in text fields. You can configure, preview, and export a script report through the Report Config subtab.


You can map a script to the data using the Mapping option.  To map the script data to columns for generating the script report:

  1. Access the script for which you want to create the mapping.
  2. Click the Report Config subtab, and then click the Mapping button.
    A list of columns to which you can map the script data appears.
  3. Automatic Mapping: If you want script data to be automatically mapped to the columns alphabetically, click Auto Assign Script Data.
  4. Manual Mapping: If you want to map script data to the column you want, click the Script Data cell next to the name of the column to which you want to map the script data, and then, in the drop-down list box, select the script data field.

    You can revert the change in the cell by clicking the Clear Value icon Clear Value icon next to the cell and revert all your changes by clicking Refresh.

  5. Click Accept.
    The script data is mapped to the columns, and this mapping is used in the script report.

By default, you can map up to 500 data elements within a report.


You can configure the settings using the Settings in the Report Config tab. To configure the settings of a script report:

  1. Access the script for whose report you want to configure the settings.
  2. Click the Report Config subtab, and then click the Settings button.
  3. Specify values in the following fields.

    Daily Reporting EnabledGenerates the report every day.

    Displays the report in one of the following formats:

    • Fixed 500: Displays 500 columns in the report including those that do not contain any data.
    • Variable: Displays only the columns that contain data in the report.

    Nightly Report Enabled

    Generates the report every night.
    DelimiterSeparates the data in the report by the selected character (comma, pipe, or tab).
    Export HeadersIncludes headers in the report.

    Generates the report every 30, 60, 120, or 180 minutes. 

    Surround QuotesEncloses text fields in the report in quotation marks.
    Time ZoneDisplays date/time values in the report in the specified time zone.
    Remove CharactersRemoves special characters from the report.
    Date FormatDisplays the date in the report in the specified format. 
    Export EmptyExports the report regularly even if there is no current data (useful for systems that expect files at certain intervals).
    Include default fields

    Includes default fields in the report (along with the mapped fields).

    A cleared checkbox includes only mapped fields in the report.



    Includes all the calls made since the start of the day (cumulative) in the report.

    A cleared checkbox includes only the calls that were made since the report was last run.


    You can revert all your changes by clicking Reset.

  4. Click Save.
    The script report settings are configured and saved.


You can export the current configurations when you are working on large data, the exported data helps in troubleshooting the issue. To export a script report:

  1. Access the script whose report you want to export. 
  2. Click the Report Config subtab, and then click the Export button.
  3. Specify values in the following fields:
  4. Click Export Data.
    The script report is generated and exported to your computer.


You can view the configuration in a table format, you can set the dates and view the data.  To preview a script report:

  1. Access the script whose report you want to preview. 
  2. Click the Report Config subtab, and then click the View button.
  3. In the Start field (located in the lower-right corner), on the calendar, specify the date and time from when you want the report for preview, and then click OK.

    You can preview the report for the current date or current time by clicking Start or End, respectively, on the calendar.

  4. In the End field (located in the lower-right corner), on the calendar, specify the date and time until when you want the report for preview, and then click OK.

    You can preview the report for the current date or current time by clicking Start or End, respectively, on the calendar.

    A preview of the script report appears.

BI Mapping

You can map the data created in the Data tab and map it to the column parameters in the BI mapping tab. To map the script data to columns for generating a script report for the BI tool:

  1. Access the script for which you want to create a BI mapping.
  2. Click the Report Config subtab, and then click the BI Mapping button.
    A list of columns to which you can map script data appears.

  3. Click the Script Data cell next to the name of the column to which you want to map the script data for BI, and then, in the drop-down list box, select the script data field.

    • You can revert the change in the cell by clicking the Clear Value icon Clear Value icon next to the cell.
    • You can revert all your changes by clicking Remove All.
  4. Click Accept.
    The script data are mapped to the columns, and this mapping is used in the script report generated for the BI tool.