Scripts can vary, ranging from simple to complex, depending on your requirement to accomplish the task of presenting an effective workspace and workflow for your agents. The following sections describe how to build a simple script for developing a functional agent desktop.

You can use the SCRIPTS subtab to build, modify, and delete scripts. The subtab contains the following options:



To build a script:

  1. Create a script name:
    1. In Designer, on the Scripts > SCRIPTS subtab, click New Script.
      The New Script window appears.

    2. In the Name and Description fields, specify a name (a single string without spaces) and a description for the script.

    3. Click Save.
  2. Associate the script with a service:
    1. On the SCRIPTS subtab, click the row displaying the script with which you want to associate a service.
      The Services button is enabled.
    2. Click Services.
      The Service section appears.
    3. In the Service field, specify the service with which you want to associate the script, and then click Add

      You can associate a script with multiple services. However, at any given time, you can associate only one service with a script.

  3. Import the screen pop data fields from LVP to be used within the script:
    1. On the SCRIPTS subtab, double-click the row displaying the script.
      The Design subtab appears.
    2. Click the Data subtab.
    3. Click Import ScreenPop.
      The Import Screenpop window appears.
    4. In the Service field, specify a service.
      A list of screen pop data fields assigned to the service in LVP appears.

      If you want to delete the data fields that are not required in the script, use the Delete icon.

    5. To add the data fields to the script, click Save.

      Consider adding all the screen pop data fields from the LiveVox platform because there is no limit to the number of data fields that can be defined within a script.

  4. Create a page for the script:

    A page is a form or window that is presented to the agent as their workspace. It includes text, controls, and rules that are required to complete an agent task for a form.
    1. On the SCRIPTS subtab, double-click the row displaying the script.
      The Design subtab appears.
    2. Click Add Page.
      The New Page window appears.
    3. In the Name and Description fields, specify a name (a single string without spaces) and description for the dialog.
    4. In the Type field, specify one of the following types for the dialog:
      • Standard: Basic window or form within the script.
      • Header: Creates a header for each window.
      • Footer: Creates a footer for each window.
      • Starting: Designates this form as the first form in the script.
      • Left:  Displays contents on the left side of the page.
      • Right:  Displays contents on the right side of the page.
    5. Click Save.

      This example shows a script containing only one page. You can, however, add multiple pages with complex branching and business logic to guide an agent down a specific workflow, based on the information they gather during a conversation.

  5. Build an agent desktop using text, controls, data fields, and branching:
    An agent desktop is a workspace for an agent. It includes all the details, functions, and processes required for agents to complete their work properly. The Scripts tab provides several controls that can help you define the workspace and guide agents down the required workflow.

    For more information, see the next section.


The following example guides you through the process of building a simple script with one page, which can be used as a survey question to measure the customer service experience. The procedure used to create this script is an introduction to using U-Script.

  • The page is built with the user interface (UI) as a free-form canvas on the Design tab. Because the script is ultimately rendered to HTML, you may find it easier to use tables in the dialog to control the formatting and layout of the script.
  • Consider saving your changes frequently as you work on the script.
  1. Add text and label controls to a dialog:
    Text and labels are common objects on a dialog that provide the foundation of information for agents. These elements enable you to provide direction and meaning to a workspace.
    This section describes how to add text and labels to a page.

    1. To add text to the page, place your cursor on the canvas and begin entering the text. 

      You can use the various formatting tools located in the toolbar.

    2. To add the label control to the page:
      1. In the Field field, select the field that you want to add to the page.
      2. On the canvas, place your cursor in the location where you want to add the control.
      3. Drag and drop the Label element from the Elements section to the canvas.
  2. Add radio buttons to the dialog:
    Radio buttons are useful for providing a method for the agents to select a single response from a list of choices. Especially useful for surveys or gathering customer feedback, they can be set up to be mutually exclusive so that you can gather a single response.
    This section describes how to add radio buttons to the page.
    1. Add a radio button in the same manner as you would add a label:

      1. On the canvas, place your cursor in the location where you want to add the control.

      2. Drag and drop the Radio element from the Elements section to the canvas.

      3. On the canvas, specify the text for the response that you want to capture.

        You can add multiple radio buttons.

    2. Define the basic properties for each radio button:

      1. On the canvas, click the radio button, and then click the Properties tab.
      2. In the Name field, specify a name for the button.

        To ensure that an agent can select only one button, use the same name for each button.

      3. In the Disabled field, specify the value False so that the radio button is active.
      4. In the Value field, specify an exclusive value for the radio button (for example, Yes or No). 

        This tracks the results of the questions based on agent selection. Ensure that the values are different for each button.

  3. Add standard buttons to the dialog:
    Standard buttons are intended for navigation (such as branching, going forward, going back, going to the home page) or for a single-click disposition tool. They may also be used to perform functions.
    This section describes how to use standard buttons as a method to disposition or terminate a call.

    1. Add the button in the same manner as you would add a label or a radio button:
      1. On the canvas, place your cursor in the location where you want to add the control.
      2. Drag and drop the Button element from the Elements section to the canvas.

        You can add multiple buttons.

    2. Define the behavior for each button:
      1. On the canvas, click the button, and then click the Properties tab.
      2. In the Name field, specify a unique name for the button.

        Because this button is to be used to set a call disposition, the disposition code that will be associated with it needs to be defined.

      3. In the Service and Term Code fields, specify the appropriate service and a termination code, respectively.
      4. In the Value field, specify the name with which you want to identify the button on the agent desktop.
      5. In the Label field, specify a name to identify the button on the agent desktop for the agents.
    3. Set the size and color for each button:
      1. Click the Style tab.
      2. In the Width and Height fields, specify the width and height of the button. You can also use the up arrow and down arrow icons.
      3. In the Background Color field, specify a color for the button. 

        You can set additional visual properties to make the controls more presentable.

    4. Add two more buttons in the same manner as you did earlier:
      1. Name the second button Button_2 and the third button Button_3.
      2. Choose disposition codes for each button.
      3. Set the width of each button to the value set for the first button (that is, 120 pixels).
      4. Color the second button green and the third button yellow.

  4. Save the script by clicking Save

    • The above image shows what your basic script dialog would look like if you followed the specified example.
    • This example incorporates many features and tools that you can use to build much more complex dialogs. The example has used static text embedded with not only the agent's name but also the customer’s name and address. Two different types of buttons (radio and standard) have been incorporated to show how to collect data and disposition a call with a single click.


  5. Preview the script:
    In the above image, the text is arranged properly and the radio buttons and the disposition buttons are formatted in a way that makes working on the screen easy for an agent. Being able to preview a script before you make it available for your agents is valuable as it can help you identify and correct any formatting issues. When you preview a script, you can see how all the text and the controls are presented to an agent.

    To preview a script, use the Preview tab.
    When previewing a script, you can add data to simulate various scenarios by using the Add button. You can add multiple rows for the test.