You can perform such tasks as managing the output of the data gathered through the script and creating surveys that include the use of CATI (Computer-Aided Telephone Interviewing) features such as randomized questions and answers. U-Script collects all the results from a script during a call. It captures the values of button clicks, radio buttons, and checkboxes, and any information entered in a text field or area. This information is stored in the database and can be retrieved through the Reporting option in the ScriptBuilder window.

The reported data includes the script data fields created in the script and used to capture the data from a call. The report is delivered through an export file that can be delimited in various formats. The report can be configured to run at various times during the day or can be run on command from the script builder.


The Mapping option enables you to map the data on which you want to report to the available columns in the export file.

When mapping the data elements, the list of columns to which you can map the data is displayed. You can map the data by using the following methods:

By default, the builder provides the ability to map up to 500 data elements within the report.


The Settings option enables you to select one of the following options to configure the output of the data file:


The Export option enables you to run an ad-hoc report as needed through the script builder. You can select the start and end date and time for the report. To create a report, use the Export Data button.


The View option enables you to preview the data that is being captured from a script. To run the preview, select the start and end date and time by using the calendar, and then click OKAfter the process is completed, the data is displayed on the form, and you can scroll as needed to view the results.

BI Mapping

The BI Mapping option enables you to customize the columns for the Business Intelligence (BI) tool. To map custom columns, in the Script Data column for the required column heading, double-click the cell to select a field. After adding all the required columns, click Accept. You can remove the individual mapping by using the minus icon . You can remove all mapped fields by using Remove All.