In the Report Config tab, you can map the data to the columns. A script report is a file that contains data collected from the script, created in the Data tab during a call. It could include data from the elements and fields that are added to the script, such as the buttons and options (radio buttons) that were clicked, the checkboxes that were selected, or the values that were entered in text fields. You can configure, preview, and export a script report through the Report Config subtab. 

Button Descriptions

The following table describes the buttons that appear on the Report Config subtab.

MappingEnables you to create a mapping between the script data that you want to report and the columns that are available in a script report.
SettingsEnables you to configure the output of a script report.
ExportEnables you to generate and export a script report.
ViewEnables you to preview a script report.
BI MappingEnables you to create a mapping between the script data that you want to report to the Business Intelligence (BI) tool and the columns that are available in a script report.

For detailed information on the Report Config, see Mapping the data