You can design your forms in the Design window. The Design window is divided into the following parts:


The screens that you create appear under the Dialogs area, they are individual screens that are presented to the agent.


Resources are items that can be used within a dialog and they include:




Pictures that may be added to the body of the script.

The following file formats are supported: GIF, JPG, and PNG.

JavaScriptCustom JavaScript that can be used within a dialog for the script.
OtherCatch-all bucket for items that may not be included as JavaScript or resources but may be used within a dialog for the script.
StylesCustom style sheets that may be used within the script.


The inputs/data control menu provides access to the data elements and data control types that are used for displaying and capturing data within a script. 

The following elements are present in the data control menu:


You can use the tools present in the design screen to create a form/window.

IFrame Control

The IFrame control is found only in the dialog editor controls.

An IFrame enables you to embed a URL inside the script. When adding an IFrame to a dialog, a set of properties required for creating the IFrame is displayed. In general, you should provide the URL, width, and height for the frame. 

When the script page is loaded with https, a non-secure connection within an IFrame is not enabled.