Assessor allows customizable agent scorecards to score and evaluate every agent interaction.
On the left navigation pane, go to WFO >Assessor.

The Assessor editor offers the following tabs:
- Score - Allows you to search for calls and evaluate them. For detailed information, see Assessor - Score Tab section.
- Design-Scorecards - Allows you to design dynamic scorecards to score the calls. For detailed information, see Assessor - Design-Scorecards Tab section.
- Manage-Task - Enables intelligent routing of calls into evaluator (Assessor user) queues and provides targeted calls for scoring. For detailed information, see Assessor - Manage-Tasks Tab section.
- Review - Allows you to generate reports at the end of each month for billing purpose. For detailed information, see Assessor - Review Tab section.
- Administer - Allows to define the list of categories and assign Assessors. For detailed information, see Assessor - Administer Tab section.