Section | Description |
Channels | Communication channels (chat, email, SMS, or voice) for which you want to access the report or the recorded interactions. You can select multiple channels. |
Date Selector | Time period (either a date range or a custom period) for the report or recordings. The Date Filter Option field contains the following options: - Start Date: Date from when you want the report or recording.
- Added Date: Date when the interaction was added to U-QM.
- Transcribed Date: Date when the transcript is created.
- Scored Date: Date when the interaction is scored.
- Acknowledge Date: Date when the scoring is acknowledged.
- Arbitration Date: Date when the interaction is reviewed by an arbitrator.
Duration | Minimum and maximum duration of calls (in seconds) for the report or recordings. |
Phone Numbers | Phone numbers of inbound or outbound interaction. You can specify multiple numbers by pressing Enter after entering each number in the text box. |
Agents | Agents who performed the interaction. - To add agents, in the Available section, select their names, and then click
. To remove agents, in the Selected section, select their names, and then click . - You can filter the names in the sections by using the Filter by name box.
- Select the Exclude Selected checkbox to either include or exclude the selected items.
- You can revert your changes by clicking
Agent Teams | Agent teams to which the interaction belongs. For information about how to add or remove agent teams, see the Agents row of this table. |
Keywords | Keywords used by agents or customers. - To add a keyword, in the Keyword List field, select the keyword. If you want to specify your own keyword, in the Keyword field, enter the keyword, and then press Enter or click
- If you want the order of the keywords in the report to match the order of the keywords in the table, select the Exact Order checkbox.
- You can customize the table by using the arrow next to a column heading. For more information, see Customizing a Table vU15.
- You can delete a keyword by hovering over it in the table and then clicking
Interaction UUIDs | Interaction UUIDs (identifiers for recordings) that are applicable for the interactions. You can specify multiple interaction UUIDs by pressing Enter after entering each UUID in the text box. |
Interaction Intent UUIDs | Interaction intent UUIDs that are applicable for the interactions. You can specify multiple interaction intent UUIDs by pressing Enter after entering each UUID in the text box. |
Interaction Intent Types | Interaction intent types that are applicable for the interactions. For information about how to add or remove interaction intent types, see the Agents row of this table. |
Skills | Skills assigned to the agents. For information about how to add or remove skills, see the Agents row of this table. |
Call Centers | Call centers that are applicable for the interactions. For information about how to add or remove call centers, see the Agents row of this table. |
Services | Services that are applicable for the interactions. For information about how to add or remove interaction intent types, see the Agents row of this table. |
Assessors | Assessors that are applicable for the interactions. For information about how to add or remove assessors, see the Agents row of this table. |
Scorecards | Scorecards that are applicable for the interactions. For information about how to add or remove scorecards, see the Agents row of this table. |
Scorecard Grades | Scorecard grades that are applicable for the interactions. For information about how to add or remove scorecard grades, see the Agents row of this table. |
Metadata | Metadata that are available for the interactions. - To add metadata, in the Select Metadata field, select the metadata, and then, in the Possible Values cell, enter a value for the metadata.
- Select Yes or No as required from the Condition column to include or exclude the selected data.
- You can customize the table by using the arrow next to a column heading. For more information, see Customizing a Table vU15.
- You can delete a keyword by hovering over it in the table and then clicking
Silence Percentage | Minimum and maximum duration of silence in calls (in percentage). |
Talk Over Percentage | Minimum and maximum duration of talk in calls (in percentage). |
Sentiment | The sentiment (positive, neutral, or negative) of customers, agents, or both. |
Tags | Tags that are applicable for the interactions. |
Trusted Partners | The clients that are identified as trusted partners on the Trusted Partners tab under Client Editor in LiveVox Portal. |