The Interaction Intents are the most possible intentions of the customer to initiate a call. The interaction drivers primarily analyze the keywords to identify the call intents. 

The Interaction Intents report displays the interaction intents generated by the system by using the configured keyword lists. 

  • Interaction intents are generated only for inbound calls.
  • A single call can have multiple intents.

To access the interaction intents report, othe WFO tab, click SpeechIQ > Reporting > Interaction Intent.
The Interaction Intent window, displaying the report for the current week, appears.

To access a report for a different period or for different parameters, use the Advanced Search icon (). For more information, see Creating a Saved Search.

Report Data Descriptions

Each intent is only counted once per interaction.


The widget displays:

Total Calls

Total number of calls for the selected date range or other filters.

Total Intents

Total number of intents/sub-drivers across all calls (can be more than one per call).

Total Self-Serviceable Intents

Total number of intents the caller could resolve online.

Total Calls Without Intents

Total number of calls in which no intent or sub-driver keywords were found.
Top 5 Self Serviceable Interaction Intents

The table displays the list of the interaction intents with the highest percentage of intents for all interactions.

Top 100 Interaction Intents Breakdown (%)

The chart displays the top 100 caller intents and the percentage of the occurrences of each intent. Hover over the bars to see the intent and the actual percentage.

Interaction Intents

Select an interaction intent from the drop-down list.

  • A table appears displaying the keyword list and the following data related to the selected intent.
Call IntentName of the sub-driver (keyword list) within the selected interaction intent.
Total IntentsTotal number of calls with the intent.
% of Interaction IntentsPercentage of calls for which each intent represents within the selected driver.
% of Total CallsPercentage of the occurrence of the intent in all interactions.
Self-ServiceableWhether the interaction intents can be resolved online by the caller or not.
  • A chart appears displaying the number of occurrences of the selected intent for the selected date range or other filters. You can click on the keywords at the top of the chart to remove or add them in the chart.
  • To customize the table columns view, see Customizing a Table section in Reporting.
  • To refresh the report, click the Refresh icon ().