The Agent Statistics and Trend Report provides information about interactions handled by your agents and interactions that are scored for a specific period of time. The report captures scoring information including the highest, lowest, and average score for an agent. Information, such as average silence, average agent and customer sentiments, average talk over percentage, and so on is also included in the report.

To access the Agent Statistics and Trend Report, on the WFO tab, click Speech IQ > Reporting > Agent Statistics and Trend

The Agent Statistics and Trend window, displaying the report for the selected Date Range, is displayed.

  • To filter the results, click and select the required criteria.
  • For more information, see Creating a Saved Search
  • To add the report into automated reports, see Creating Automated Reports.
  • To export a report to a Microsoft Excel workbook, click the Export icon ().
  • To customize the table columns view, see instructions in the Customizing a Table section in SpeechIQ Reporting.
  • To refresh the list, click the Refresh icon ().
  • To see the breakdown by the scorecard, click the arrow next to the name in the Agent column.

Report Data Descriptions

The following table describes the statistics displayed in the Agent Statistics and Trend report for an agent.



Name of the agent.

Scorecard Name

Name of the scorecard used.

Scorecard Type

Type of scorecard used.

Total Calls

Total number of calls handled by the agent.

Total Scored

Total number of calls that were scored.

Percent Scored

Percentage of calls that were scored.

Avg Score 

Average score of the calls, displayed as a percentage.

Trend Percentage

General direction in which an agent’s scorecard value is changing. A positive value indicates an upward trend and a negative value indicates a downward trend.

Avg Duration

Average duration of all the calls.

Avg Silence %

Average duration of silence in the calls, displayed as a percentage.

Avg Talk Over %

Average duration of talk over in calls, displayed as a percentage.

Avg Agent Sentiment

Average sentiment of the agent, displayed as a percentage.

Avg Customer Sentiment

Average sentiment of the customer displayed as a percentage.

Highest Score 

Highest score for the agent, displayed as a percentage.

Lowest Score

Lowest score for the agent, displayed as a percentage.

Clicking on the Total Scored field for an Agent takes you to the Search and Score dashboard for that agent for the date range. Clicking on the Total Scored field at the Scorecard level (after expanding), takes you to the Search and Score dashboard for the agent, for that date range, and that scorecard.