Categories help you classify the Agent Assist Rules into different groups to better manage the rules. A manager can define any number of categories to suit the needs of the organization. When a new rule is created, each rule is associated with a category.

To view the list of available categories, navigate to SpeechIQ > Agent Assist > Categories.

The Categories List page is displayed. All the available categories are displayed on this page. The page displays information, such as Name, Active, Created By, and Created Date.

  • Click the Active Only check box to list only the active categories.
  • Click  to search for a specific category.
  • Click to delete a selected rule.

Adding a New Category

To add a new category:

  1. Navigate to SpeechIQ > Agent Assist > Categories.
    The Categories List page is displayed. All the available categories are displayed on this page. 
  2. To create a new category, click .
    The Category window is displayed.
  3. Enter a name in the Category field.
  4. Select the Active check box to make the category active. You can use only active categories when creating Agent Assist Rules.
  5. Click Save.