Designer (U-CRM with Editor) is a configuration tool on the LiveVox Portal (LVP) that enables you to design an agent desktop and manage the agent desktop experience for your agents. This tool uses the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface that supports the drag-and-drop operation. The tool also allows you to preview or test the agent desktop as you design it. 

An agent desktop that is designed by using Designer is called a U-CRM agent desktop. You can design a U-CRM agent desktop in more than one way. Each design of the agent desktop is called a designer desktop.

In addition to defining the appearance of an agent desktop, you can use Designer to define which sections appear on the agent desktop, define the properties of those sections, call API, and guide the agents to perform certain activities through targeted scripts (U-Script).

  • U-Script comes at an additional cost. Contact your Account team to enable this feature. For information about this feature, see Script Builder Tab.
  • Individuals who are responsible for customizing the agent desktop through Designer require the Manager or Sysadmin role.