You can view all bot conversations in the Conversations window.

To access the Conversations window, in the left pane, click Conversations.

Active and Closed Tabs

The following table describes the tabs that appear in the Conversations window.


Current bot conversations.

This tab contains the following subtabs:

  • Viewing Bots: Sessions in which customers are viewing an opened bot or interacting with a bot.

    If the same customer engages with a bot multiple times, each time is considered as a session. 

  • Live Chatting: Bot sessions that are being handled by live agents.

Historical bot conversations.

This tab contains the following subtabs:

  • Total: All closed bot sessions.
  • Resolved Chats: Closed bot sessions that were resolved.
  • Question asked: Closed bot sessions in which the customer reached the Question asked bot goal during the conversation.

    For information about bot goals, see Goals.


The following table describes the sections that appear on the Active and Closed tabs.

Filter options

Options to filter the bot sessions.

For more information, see the Filter Menus section.

Bot sessions

List of bot sessions meeting the filter criteria.

  • For active bot sessions, this list is updated in real time.
  • For more information about this section, see Managing Customer Profiles (the Customer Details section).

Bot conversation

  • For more information about this section, see Managing Customer Profiles (the Customer Details section).
  • An active bot conversation in this section is updated in real time.

Customer profile

  • For more information about this section, see Managing Customer Profiles (the Customer Details section).
  • You can view the profile of the customer by clicking the avatar icon next to their name.

Filter Menus

The following table describes the menus that you can use to filter the bot conversation sessions on the Active and Closed tabs.

  • The name that appears when you open a menu on the Active or Closed tab has been used in the following table to identify a filter menu (for example, Created).
  • For menus that do not display a name when opened (for example, All Chats), the name that appears on the menu by default has been used in the following table; this name depends on the option that you select on the menu.

Filter MenuDescription
All Chats

Filters active bot sessions based on their ownership.

To view your active bot sessions, on the All Chats menu, click My Chats.

All time

Filters closed bot sessions based on when they occurred.

On the All time menu, click one of the following options:

  • All time: All closed bot sessions.
  • Today: Closed bot sessions for the current day.
  • Yesterday: Closed bot sessions for the previous day.
  • Last 7 Days: Closed bot sessions for the last seven days.
  • Last 30 Days: Closed bot sessions for the last 30 days.
  • Last 60 Days: Closed bot sessions for the last 60 days.
  • Custom: Closed bot sessions for the period you specify. If you select this option, the DATE RANGE field appears to enable you to specify the period using a calendar.

Filters closed bot sessions based on the platforms where they occurred.

On the Platforms menu, select any of the following checkboxes, clear the remaining checkbox, and then click Update:

  • All platforms: Bot sessions that occurred on all platforms.
  • Desktop: Bot sessions that occurred on desktops.
  • Mobile Web: Bot sessions that occurred on mobile phones.
Active, Closed
Engagement types

Filters bot sessions based on the type of engagement.

On the Engagement types menu, select any of the following checkboxes, clear the remaining checkboxes, and then click Update:

  • All engagement types: Bot sessions for all types of engagement.
  • No Reply: Bot sessions in which customers did not interact with the bot even once. This engagement type is represented by the following message in a bot conversation: Session had no response.
  • Engaged: Bot sessions in which customers interacted with the bot at least once (including the sessions in which the customers stopped responding). This engagement type is represented by the following message in a bot conversation: Session engagement ended.
  • Completed: Bot sessions in which customers interacted with the bot until the session was completed. This engagement type is represented by the following message in a bot conversation: Session fully completed.
  • Goal Completed: Bot sessions in which bot goals were completed.

    For information about bot goals, see Goals.


Filters bot sessions based on the bot names.

On the Bots menu, select the checkboxes next to the names of the bots whose sessions you want to view, clear the remaining checkboxes, and then click Update.

Bot Conversation Report

The bot conversation report contains information about the bot conversation sessions. 

Generating the Report

To generate the bot conversation report for active or closed conversations:

  1. In the left pane, hover over Conversations, and then, as required, click Active or Closed.
    The Conversations window displaying the Active or Closed tab appears.
  2. Click one of the following subtabs, which appear depending on the tab that you have clicked:

  3. Click Export.
    The Export data window containing your email address appears.

    You can add the email addresses of the users with whom you want to share the report.

  4. Click Generate Report.
    An email with the following subject line is sent to you: Your report is ready. This email contains the option to download the bot conversation report.

Report Data

The following table describes the columns that appear in the downloaded bot conversation report for a given bot session.

Chatbot NameName of the bot associated with the session.
PageAddress of the webpage from where the customer engaged with the bot during the session.

End time stamp of the session, represented in the time zone specified on your profile.

For information about how to modify your profile, see Managing User Profiles.

UsernameName of the customer.
Device TypeType of the application that the customer used during the session (for example, Web).
Live Chat TakeoverIndicates if a live agent handled the session.
Takeover TimestampTime stamp of when the session was handled, represented in the time zone specified on your profile.
Takeover Admin UserName of the live agent.
Goals AchievedName of the completed bot goal for the session.
Conversation LinkLink to the bot conversation for the session.