The following table describes the fields that appear in the Additional Options section when you create or modify a node.

  • Name this node

Consider entering a value in this field if you want to be able to easily identify or find the selected node (for example, when linking a node to this node). 

By default, this field displays the type of the node, along with its position (for example, 1. Multiple Choice). You can, however, enter the name with which you want to identify the node. 

If the node is Free Text Reply and if it is linked to the Dialogflow node, enter a value that does not contain dots or spaces—if the name contains multiple words, use hyphens to separate them (for example, ask-visitor-question or user-question).

Save node as a bot goal (optional)

Consider saving the node as a bot goal if the selected node represents an important stage in the flow of the bot.

For information about bot goals, see Goals.

To create a goal, enter a name for the goal, and then click Create New Goal. The goal that you create appears as an option in the Save node as a bot goal field and the Alert name field for anyone to use. (The latter field appears when you set up an email alert for a node.)

  • You can remove the goal from the field by clicking the delete icon .
  • The block of a node for which an email alert is set up displays a star.
  • For information about how to set up an email alert, see Setting Up Alerts for a Bot.

Save to My Nodes (optional)

Consider adding the selected node to your node library if you want to refer to it in the future in any bot. This option is useful to avoid duplicating work when you build a bot that uses the same node that is used in a different bot.

The node library refers to the My Nodes tab, which appears on the Build tab when building a bot.

To save a node to your node library, select the Save to My Nodes (optional) checkbox.

To use a node from your node library, when building a bot, on the My Nodes tab, select the name of the node. Before adding the node, you can also modify the node by clicking the pencil icon , which appears when you hover over the name.

The ACTIVE IN column in the My Nodes section indicates the number of bots in which the node exists.