You can configure and manage agent messagebooks and messages available for agents to play:
- Create a new Messagebook and add individual entries.
- Associate Messagebook entries on the Agent Desktop.
Adding Messagebook Entry
To add a new messagebook entry:
- Click the Add Messagebook Entry button.

- The first screen of the Add New Message wizard appears.

- Specify the New Message Name and New Message Description.
- Click the Next button to get second screen of the wizard.

The Modules Assigned displays the module being used by the call flow Messagebook_1.
The Preview screen allows full screen view of the call flow.
- Click the Next button to get third (final) screen of the wizard. This screen displays the summary of the user's selection.

- Click Save button to save changes. You have now created the new messagebook with the default prompts.
To configure your new message, review the below tip.
- For more information on confirmation of the current messaging using Listen, Validate and Visualize buttons, please see Confirm Current Messaging section.
- For more information on editing existing messages, please see Edit Messages section.
To associate messagebook entry with the agent desktop, see Associating Messagebook Entry section.