You can configure and manage agent messagebooks and messages available for agents to play:

Adding Messagebook Entry

To add a new messagebook entry:

  1. Click the Add Messagebook Entry button.

  2. The first screen of the Add New Message wizard appears. 

    1. Specify the New Message Name and New Message Description.
  3. Click the Next button to get second screen of the wizard.

    1. The Modules Assigned displays the module being used by the call flow Messagebook_1.

    2. The Preview screen allows full screen view of the call flow.

  4. Click the Next button to get third (final) screen of the wizard. This screen displays the summary of the user's selection.

  5. Click Save button to save changes. You have now created the new messagebook with the default prompts.

To configure your new message, review the below tip.

  • For more information on confirmation of the current messaging using Listen, Validate and Visualize buttons, please see Confirm Current Messaging section.
  • For more information on editing existing messages, please see Edit Messages section.

To associate messagebook entry with the agent desktop, see Associating Messagebook Entry section.