The Schedule Callback module allows callers to leave their callback number and to request a same-day callback time if they decide to opt out of the transfer hold queue. You can set a condition configuring the time (in seconds) threshold on when to offer this option to the callers on hold.  Information can be given to the caller providing their Estimated Wait Time or Position in Queue (or both) if that caller enters the hold queue after a configurable amount of time (for example, more than 30 seconds).

This module also provides the Virtual Scheduled Callback (VSCB) option that can be activated by setting the Enable callback by order option to true and configuring the subsequent phrases to support this option. Activating the VSCB option allows you to call the customer back in the order in which the initial call was received.

In Virtual Scheduled Callback, the system automatically schedules the call back within call center operation hours. 

Message Properties

Display NameDescription

Callback to Current Phone Main Prompt Phrase

Main prompt to ask the customer if they want a callback to the current phone number.

Callback to Current Phone No Input Prompt Phrase

Prompt to play back if the customer does not enter an option.

Callback to Current Phone No Match Prompt Phrase

Prompt to play back if the customer enters an invalid option.

Callback to Current Phone Max Retries

Max number of retries allowed.

Callback to Current Phone Timeout

Max time given to the customer to decide if the current phone number must be used for a callback or not.

Callback to Other Phone Main Prompt Phrase

Main prompt to ask for another callback phone.

Callback to Other Phone No Input Prompt 

Prompt to play back if customer not entering the phone number.
Callback to Other Phone No Match Prompt PhrasePrompt to play back if the customer enters an invalid phone number.
Callback to Other Phone Max RetriesMax number of retries allowed.

Time Main Prompt Phrase

Using your keypad, please enter the time you would like to receive a callback. For 8:30 AM, please enter 0830. If you would like to receive a callback at 1:30 PM, please enter 0130.

Callback Time No Input Prompt Phrase

Prompt to play back if the customer does not enter the callback time.

Callback Time No Match Prompt Phrase

Prompt to play back if the customer enters an invalid callback time.

Callback Time Max Retries

Max number of retries allowed.

Callback AM or PM Main Prompt Phrase

Main prompt to ask for AM or PM.

Callback AM or PM No Input Prompt Phrase

Prompt to play back if reaching the max no input retries.

Callback AM or PM No Match Prompt Phrase

Prompt to play back if reaching the max no-match retries.

Confirmation Main Prompt Phrase

Main prompt to confirm the callback number and time.

Confirmation No Input Prompt Phrase

Prompt to play back if the customer does not confirm the number and time.

Confirmation No Match Prompt Phrase

Prompt to play back if customer confirmation does not match the number and time.

Confirmation Max Retries

Max number of retries allowed for confirmation.

Invalid Callback Time Phrase

Prompt to play back if the customer enters an invalid callback time and AM / PM.

Invalid Callback Time Max Retries

Max number of retries allowed to enter invalid callback time and AM / PM.

Enable callback by order

Enables scheduled callbacks by order entered.

Play back estimated callback time Main Prompt Phrase

Main prompt to play back estimated callback time.

Play back estimated callback time NoInputPrompt Phrase

Main prompt to play back the estimated callback time if the customer input does not match.

Play back estimated callback time NoMatch Prompt Phrase

Main prompt to play back the estimated callback time if the customer does not enter input.

Play back estimated callback time Max No Input Prompt Phrase

Main prompt to play back the estimated callback time if the customer does not enter input exceeds retries.

Play back estimated callback time

Main prompt to play back estimated callback time.
Play back estimated callback time Max No Match PhraseMain prompt to play back the estimated callback time if the customer input does not match and exceeds retries.

Advanced Properties

Display Name

Callback to Current Phone Max No Input Prompt PhrasePrompt to play back if reaching max no input retries.
Callback to Current Phone Max No Match PhrasePrompt to play back if reaching max no match retries.
Callback to Current Phone Valid keysValid keys for selecting to use the current phone or not.
Callback to Other Phone Max No Input Prompt PhrasePrompt to play back if reaching the max no input retries.
Callback to Other Phone Max No Match PhrasePrompt to play back if reaching the max no-match retries.
Callback to Other Phone TimeoutTimeout to enter a phone number for a callback.
Callback Time Max No Input Prompt PhrasePrompt to play back if reaching the max no input retries.
Callback Time Max No Match PhrasePrompt to play back if reaching the max no-match retries.
Callback Time TimeoutTimeout to enter callback time.
Callback AM or PM Max No Input Prompt PhrasePrompt to play back if reaching the max no input retries.
Callback AM or PM Max No Match PhrasePrompt to play back if reaching the max no-match retries.
Callback AM or PM Valid KeysValid keys to select AM or PM.
Callback AM or PM TimeoutTimeout to enter AM or PM.
Confirmation Max No Input Prompt PhrasePrompt to play back if a customer reaches the max number of no input.
Confirmation Max No Match PhrasePrompt to play back if a customer reaches max number of no match.
Confirmation Valid KeysValid keys for confirming the callback number and time.
Confirmation TimeoutTimeout for entering confirmation.
Variable for Phone Number EnteredThe variable to store the entered phone number.


For information on the module connectors, see Call Flow Editor Connectors.