You use the Live Person module to play a message when a person (and not an answering machine) answers an outbound call. You can connect to this module only if the Event is IsAnswering Machine: No.
Display Name | Description |
Live Person Prompt Phrase | The prompt that plays when the customer answers the call. You can edit a phrase by double-clicking the text field to access the Phrase editor. (The default message is "Once again This is an important call for {Patient First / Last Name} This is not a telemarketing call, please ask {Patient First / Last Name} to call us at [{'type':'phone', 'name':'operator_phone'}] and reference account number [{'type':'digits', 'name':'account_number'}] Thank you.") |
Display Name | Description |
Live Person Prompt Repeated in Spanish | Play a prompt in Spanish with no menu options. |
For information about the module connectors, see Understanding Connectors.