A cold call to a customer has two outcomes: The call is either answered or not answered. The Introduction module detects if the call is answered by an answering machine or the customer. You use the Introduction module to contact a customer with an introductory phrase.
Display Name | Description |
Introduction Prompt Phrase | The prompt that is played when the customer answers the call. You can edit a phrase by double-clicking the text field to access the Phrase editor. (The default message is "Hello This is an important call for {Patient First / Last Name}.") |
Display Name | Description |
Bargein | Yes (default) indicates that the customer can press a key when a message is playing. No indicates that pressing a key when a message is playing does not stop the message. |
Event | Result |
Is Answering Machine? | Yes (Detects an answering machine and connects to a Machine module.) No (Plays the introduction phrase and connects to the next module in the contact flow, usually the Menu module.) |
For information on other module connectors, see Understanding Connectors.