Collects and validates basic credit card information such as credit card number, expiration date, and security code for further payment process. This module lets you specify the type of credit card to accept (for example, Visa, MasterCard, or Amex) and whether or not the caller must confirm the credit card number.

If the entered credit card information is valid, each number is stored in the corresponding variable after returning to the contact flow.

Message Properties

Display NameDescription
Credit Card Number Prompt Phrase Main prompt to ask the customer to enter the credit card number.
Credit Card Number No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if the customer does not enter the credit card number.
Credit Card Number No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if the customer enters an invalid credit card number.
Credit Card Expiration Date Prompt Phrase Main prompt to ask the customer to enter the expiration date.
Credit Card Expiration Date No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if the customer does not enter the expiration date.
Credit Card Expiration Date No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if a customer enters an invalid expiration date.
Credit Card Security Code Prompt Phrase Main prompt to ask the customer to enter the security code.
Credit Card Security Code No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if the customer does not enter the security code.
Credit Card Security Code No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if a customer enters an invalid security code.
Credit Card Number Input Max Retries The max number of retries for credit card number customer entry.
Expiration Date Input Max Retries The max number of retries for expiration date customer entry.
Security Code Input Max Retries The max number of retries for security code customer entry.
Variable to store credit card numberDefine the variable to store credit card numbers.
Variable to store credit card expiration dateDefine the variable to store the expiration date number.
Variable to store credit card security codeDefine the variable to store the security code numbers.

Advanced Properties

Display NameDescription
Credit Card Number Max No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if invalid credit card number entry reaches max retries.
Credit Card Number Max No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if no entry for credit card number reaches max retries.
Credit Card Expiration Date Max No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if invalid expiration date entry reaches max retries.
Credit Card Expiration Date Max No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if no entry for expiration date reaches max retries.
Credit Card Security Code Max No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if invalid security code entry reaches max retries.

Credit Card Security Code Max No Match Phrase

 Prompt to play back if no entry for security code reaches max retries.
Confirm Credit Card Number Prompt Phrase Main prompt to confirm the entered credit card number.
Confirm Credit Card Number No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if customer not entering anything to confirm credit card number.
Confirm Credit Card Number No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if a customer enters an invalid entry to confirm the credit card number.
Confirm Credit Card Number Max No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if no entry for confirming credit card number reaching max retries.
Confirm Credit Card Number Max No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if an invalid entry for confirming bank routing number reaches max retries.
Confirm Expiration Date Prompt Phrase Main prompt to confirm the entered expiration date.
Confirm Expiration Date No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if the customer not entering anything to confirm the expiration date.
Confirm Expiration Date No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if a customer enters an invalid entry to confirm the expiration date.
Confirm Expiration Date Max No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if no entry for confirming expiration date reaching max retries.
Confirm Expiration Date Max No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if an invalid entry for confirming the expiration date reaches max retries.
Confirm Credit Card Security Code Prompt Phrase Main prompt to confirm the entered security code.
Confirm Credit Card Security Code No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if customer not entering anything to confirm security code.
Confirm Credit Card Security Code No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if a customer enters an invalid entry to confirm the security code.
Confirm Credit Card Security Code Max No Input Phrase Prompt to play back if no entry for confirming security code reaching max retries.
Confirm Credit Card Security Code Max No Match Phrase Prompt to play back if an invalid entry for confirming security code reaches max retries.
Credit Card Timeout The timeout for customer entry.
To Accept VISA Card or Not Visa to be accepted or not. Value to be yes/no.
To Accept MASTER Card or Not Master to be accepted or not. Value to be yes/no.
To Accept DISCOVER Card or Not Discover to be accepted or not. Value to be yes/no.
To Accept AMEX Card or Not American Express to be accepted or not. Value to be yes/no.


For information on the module connectors, see Call Flow Editor Connectors.