Contact Flow Engine (CFE) provides support for user-defined variables for use on a per contact flow basis. You can create these variables and later reference them within specific configuration properties of the http module and the condition module. A contact flow variable is represented by its name (Variable Name) and its value (Default Value).
The following example demonstrates how to create a contact flow segment that reads back the consumer’s balance and transfers to different agents depending on whether the balance is greater than $100.
- You have access to CFE from the Configure tab within the Message section.
- You are familiar with the contact flow creation in CFE. This includes understanding of how to use modules and connectors.
- You have a contact flow in progress.
- The voice portal has two agent classifications (skills in new versions of LVP)
- High Balance Agents
- General Agents
Below is a conceptual visualization of the contact flow that we will create.

Configuration Steps:
- Create a contact flow variable named “case_balance”.
- Click the Contact Flow Variables button to open the dialog, then click Add.
- In the Add Contact Flow Variable dialog, type “case_balance” for the Variable Name.
- Click Ok, then click Save to save the contact flow.

- Create a live_person module named ”your_case_balance” that uses the custom variable.
- Set Live Person Prompt Phrase to “Your balance is {case_balance (amount)} press 1 To return to the Main Menu or press 2 to speak to a service representative.”
Note: {case_balance (amount)} reads back the value of the case_balance variable as an amount. - Add {case_balance (amount)} to the Live Person Prompt Phrase.
- In the Phrases property dialog, click the Add Variable button.
- From the Source dropdown, select Call Flow and select case_balance variable.
- Double-click on the TTS Type field and select Amount.
- Click the Ok button to exit the Add Variable window
- Click the Ok button to exit the your_case_balance_phrases window.
- Click the Ok button to exit the live_person – Property(s) window.

- Create a condition module named “check_for_high_balance”.
- Set Condition Expression to “custom_variables.case_balance > 100”. Click OK to close the dialog windows.
- Create a connector from your_case_balance to check_for_high_balance.
- Set Event to “Key Press”.
- Set Value to “2”.

- Create an operator_transfer module named “transfer_to_high_balance_agent”.
- Set (ACD) Agent Skill ID to “High Balance Agents”,
- Create a connector from check_for_high_balance to transfer_to_high_balance_agent and set Event to “Success”.
- Create an operator_transfer module named “transfer_to_general_agent”.
- Set (ACD) Agent Skill ID to “General Agents”.
- Create a connector from check_for_high_balance to transfer_to_high_balance_agent and set Event to “Failure”.

- Create a live_person module named “no_agents_available”.
- Set Live Person Prompt Phrase to “I'm sorry, no operators are available at this time Please call back later.”
- Create a connector from transfer_to_high_balance_agent to no_agents_available and set Event to “agent_not_available".
- Create a connector from transfer_to_general_agent to no_agents_available and set Event to “agent_not_available".