The Contact Flow Engine (CFE) lets you define variables for use in contact flows and in messages associated with the contact flows.

To create a contact flow variable:

  1. Click the Contact Flow Variables button in the CFE.
  2. In the Contact Flow Variables window that appears, click Add.
  3. In the Add Contact Flow Variable window that appears, specify the required details, and click Ok to add the variable as a new row in the Contact Flow Variables window.

    Variable Name  Custom name to identify the variable by. 
    Default ValueInitial value of the variable in the contact flow. 
    Contact FieldFields associated with a record in Contact Manager.
    Interaction FieldFields associated with a call, email or SMS, as defined in the Field Settings.
    TTS TypeText-to-Speech type. Sample values: Alpha_numeric, Account.
  4. In the Contact Flow Variables window, click Ok to save the variable and complete this task.