The Campaigns tab allows you to view information on active and previously ran campaigns as well as upload and control new campaigns. The tab is available within the Service editor, Call Center editor, and Client editor tools. Your ability to edit and view campaigns is limited to the the specific scope you are in (service vs call center vs site-wide). Using the tools here allows you to quickly view and control all the campaigns for a larger scope than you would through the Monitor tab or sort and view the information in different ways.
The Campaigns tab allows you to view “Today’s active”, “Active”, "Last 7 days", “Last 30 days”, “Last 90 days” and "Tomorrow's" campaigns as selected from the drop down in the upper right. You can sort the view by information in the columns by clicking on the column names. You can also search a campaign by name using the Name filter box. The name filter box will be visible after loading 11 campaigns to the selected service. You need to enter at least 3 characters to start the search.
The tools in the Campaigns tab are similar to the functionality described in the Campaign Initiation (upload and assign dial characteristics) and 2021-10-13_08-22-18_Campaign Execution (build and play controls) sections.
For system generated campaigns (Inbound, Manual, Transactional Email, Transactional SMS, and Scheduled Callback) that are paused or stopped manually, you need to confirm the action by selecting ok from a warning message. |
Extremely detailed information on any of the listed campaigns is available in the Campaign Details section allowing you to see what dial settings were applied, list characteristics, and outcomes. To view the details:
For future scheduled campaigns (viewed by selecting the "Tomorrow's" filter), access to the Campaign Details allows you to review and edit most campaign attributes prior to the actual campaign build excluding the following attributes which will be grayed our or disabled:
When viewing the Campaign Details screen you will be able to see the Timezone Breakdown for all dialed phone numbers.
The Campaign Details screen also contains the follow tabs:
Results - Produces a campaign specific Real Time Report.
Campaign Records - Provides a detailed view into the first 5000 contacts. This view can be sorted by Contact Transaction ID, Contact (Account Number), First Name, Last Name, Queued, and Date Modified. You can also choose to display the contacts in ascending or descending order via the corresponding check box. Click refresh when the parameters are set to update the displayed contacts.
Change History - All campaign activity and changes made by users are tracked.
Segmentation - A diagram of the segmentation applied to the campaign. When an un-built campaign with no segmentation applied is selected: you can select a segmentation template from the drop down in the top right and click Preview to see how the selected segmentation template would be applied to the campaign. Click Finalize if you wish to apply the segmentation template to the campaign and then Save to exit Campaign Details and refresh your browser to update your display.
*The State Breakdown is only available for active campaigns. |
You can see the details for other campaigns by clicking the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom left of the screen.
You can also Build, Requeue, Play, and Stop campaigns from the Campaign Details screen with the respective buttons at the bottom right.
Any changes to the campaign settings can be applied by clicking the Save button at the bottom right of the screen.
The campaign management UI allows you to view and export real time campaign results from within the Campaign Details window.