You can use the Campaign Control widget of the voice monitor dashboard to view, monitor, and control campaigns.

  • This widget is available for an outbound service at the following levels:

    • Enterprise
    • Call Center
    • Service group
    • Service
  • For information about how to access the voice monitor dashboard for a given level, see Monitor Tab.
  • For information about the voice monitor dashboard, see Voice Monitor Dashboard.

Campaigns Widget

  • You can search for a campaign by using using the Name filter box, which appears on the widget when at least 11 campaigns are present. To begin a search, enter at least three characters in the box.
  • You can view additional details about a campaign by double-clicking the row displaying the campaign on the Campaign Control widget.
  • Adjusting the messaging settings through the Campaign Control widget overwrites the settings defined in the Campaign Manager when the campaign file was uploaded.
  • At the service level of the Campaign Control widget, you can:

    • View the details about the service by clicking the Services icon Services icon on the widget.

    • Perform a test call by clicking the Test Call icon Test Call icon on the widget.
    • Search for a contact based on a phone number by clicking the Contact Lookup icon Contact Lookup icon on the widget.
    • View the call statistics report for the current day by clicking the Today's Call Graph icon Today's Call Graph icon on the widget.
    • Upload, requeue, and deactivate a campaign. For more information, see Uploading and Requeueing Campaigns from the Campaign Control Panel and Deactivating a Campaign.

Campaign Statistics

The following statistics appear on the Campaign Control widget:

You can customize the table on the widget by using the Customize Columns icon Customize Columns icon.

For information about how to customize the table, see 2022-03-17_01-25-22_Customizing Table.

The following table describes the columns that can be displayed on the Campaign Control widget.

% Completed

Percentage of contacts in the campaign that have been contacted.

Actual End TimeDate and time when the campaign ended.
Actual Start TimeDate and time when the campaign began.
Allow AppendIndicates if the campaign can be appended.
AM Option

Answering machine options for the campaign. This column contains one of the following values:

  • Don't Leave Messages
  • Leave Messages
  • Transfer all Connections
Built Date

Date and time when the campaign was built. 

Call CenterCall center associated with the campaign.
Campaign IDID assigned to the campaign.
Campaign NameName of the uploaded campaign (file name).
CompletedNumber of contacts in the campaigns that have been contacted.

Following icons to control the campaign:

  • Build Campaign Build Campaign iconProcesses (builds) the contacts in the campaign, changing the campaign state from Ready to build to Ready.
  • Pause Campaign Pause Campaign icon: Temporarily stops the campaign, changing the campaign state from Playing to Paused.
  • Play Campaign Play Campaign icon: Plays the campaign, changing the campaign state from Ready or Paused to Playing.
  • Stop Campaign Stop Campaign icon: Permanently stops the campaign, changing the campaign state from Playing or Paused to Done.

The icons are disabled unless their functions are applicable to the campaign.

  • A stopped campaign is reported and must be requeued to begin contacting.
  • The icons are disabled for deactivated campaigns.
  • If you attempt to pause or stop a system-generated campaign (such as inbound, manual, transactional email, transactional SMS, and scheduled callback), you are prompted to confirm your action.

Date ModifiedDate when the campaign was played.

Number of valid contact records loaded from the campaign.

Depending on the value in the Scrub column, the value in this column is either the same as that in the Uploaded column or less than that in the Uploaded column.

Play State

State of the campaign. This column contains one of the following icons:

  • Ready to build Ready to build icon: Campaign is not yet processed for contacting.
  • Loading Loading icon: Campaign is loading.
  • Ready : Campaign is built and is ready to play based on the schedule.
  • Playing Playing icon: Campaign is active and calls are being placed.
  • Paused Paused icon: Campaign is paused and is ready to resume playing.
  • Done Done icon: Campaign is completed or stopped; however, it is yet to be reported.
  • Reported Reported icon: Campaign is completed or stopped, and it is reported.
  • Scheduled Scheduled iconCampaign is scheduled to play at a predefined time.
  • Deactivated Deactivated iconCampaign has encountered errors.

Number of contacts in the campaign that are remaining to be contacted.

  • Before the campaign is run, the value in this column is the same as that in the Loaded column.
  • When the campaign is run, the value in this column is dependent on that in the Completed column.

ScheduleType of schedule for running the campaign (for example, on demand or scheduled).
ScrubCommunication mode for which the contact numbers in the campaign are scrubbed. This column contains one of the following values:
  • None: No phone number in the campaign is scrubbed.
  • Wireless: Scrubs all wireless phone numbers in the campaign so that all landline numbers are contacted.
  • Landline: Scrubs all landline numbers in the campaign so that all wireless phone numbers are contacted.
  • Segmented Wireless: Uses different contact strategies, based on the position of a phone number, to contact both landline and wireless numbers from the campaign. This mode is achieved by shifting the wireless numbers to positions 16 through 30 of the phone number list of an account. That is, all wireless numbers from positions 1 through 15 are scrubbed.
Service IDID of the service associated with the campaign.
Service NameName of the service associated with the campaign.
StrategyStrategy for contacting the numbers in the campaign.
TypeType of service for the campaign (for example, outbound).
UploadedNumber of contacts uploaded in the campaign.
Uploaded DateDate and time when the campaign was uploaded.
VoiceVoice talent assigned to the campaign (for example, Bob (American Male), Claudine (French Canadian Female), or Juanita (Spanish Female).

If an active campaign is appended with contacts, the following statistics are accordingly updated on the widget:

  • %Completed
  • Completed
  • Loaded
  • Remaining
  • Uploaded
The Loaded and Uploaded values are updated regardless of whether the campaign is playing.

Filtering Campaigns

You can filter the campaigns on the Campaign Control widget by using the Filter By field, which contains the following options for criteria: