Campaign templates are predefined dialing characteristics and schedules that are applied to campaigns based on the file name. The Campaign Templates tool can be found in Configure > Campaigns > Campaign Templates within the navigation panel.
The Operator Phone, Callback Phone, and Caller ID fields in Campaign templates support E.164, which defines a general format for international telephone numbers. |
The Campaign Templates search filter allows you to search for specific campaign templates by using any single or combination of available filters such as searching with text for a campaign template's Name, Service, or Dialing Strategy as well as by applying filters of Voice, AM Option, Schedule or scrub option.
Segment Wireless (3) - Scrubs all wireless phone numbers from positions 1-15 and place them starting at position 16.
The service level Scrub option auto-populates for the selected service. If the service level scrub option is selected as Select One (Null) for the particular service, then the client level Scrub option will be auto-populated for that particular service when manually loading the campaign. At this time, permitted users can override this setting by choosing another scrub option from the drop-down. Please see the User Help section for more details on user roles and permissions. |
Select Allows append to allow uploaded campaign files to be appended to an active campaign.
To set up a campaign template for requeue campaigns, click the Add Requeue Campaign Template button at the bottom right of the window.
Follow the same steps for setting up a new campaign template.
Subsequently requeued files are appended by a file extension of “.r1” representing each prior requeue. For example:
Not building a subsequent requeue off of the previous file’s outcomes will append a sequential file extension such as .r2, .r3, etc. |
Double-click an existing campaign template to adjust the settings from the Campaign Template Details window. The Campaigns tab displays campaigns that have had the campaign template applied. The Change History tab tracks and displays changes made to the campaign template.