Building a campaign takes the file that was uploaded to the LiveVox server and loads it into a table so that it is ready to be dialed. After the build process is complete, the campaign is ready for dialing.
If a campaign has not been built and is not ready to dial, the Play State column displays a gray star.

"Prebuild" allows you to view all the available accounts without dialing until you click Play.
- To prebuild a campaign, use either of the following options:
- Look for the wrench icon in the Campaign Control columns on the Campaigns page.

- Double-click a campaign to open the Campaign Details window with the Build button.

- Click the wrench icon or the Build button to start the build process. A spinning gray loading icon appears in the Play State column.
- When a campaign is prebuilt and ready to play, the Play State column will display a blue star icon.

"Play" allows you to build the campaign and begin dialing (if agents are available and there are accounts allowed to dial based on your Dialing Profile).
- To build and immediately play a campaign, click the Play icon within the Campaign Control columns or the Play button from Campaign Details.
- The phone receiver icon indicates that calls are being made.