Adding a New Custom Field

To add a new custom field, follow the below procedure:

  1. Select the entity from the Entity drop-down where you want to add the new custom field.
  2. Click the Add Field button in the lower-left corner of the General tab of the Fields editor. The Add Custom Columns screen appears.
  3. You can define the Label and Data Type for the field.
  4. Depending on the field that is selected, you can define the data type for the field from the following available options:
    1. Number - Select the Number option to store field data as Integers or Fractional numbers. For example, -1, 2, 1.2.
    2. String - Select the String option to store the field data as ASCII characters
    3. Date - Select the Date option to store the field data in MM/DD/YYYY format
    4. Boolean - Select the Boolean option to store the field data as 0 or 1
    5. List - Select the List option to define pick-list values for each custom field. You can add up to 50 values for each LIST data type. To configure the list values, follow the procedure below:

      1. Click the link next to the List drop-down menu. The List Values window appears.
      2. Click the Add button and specify a value in the Add Value box.
      3. Click Ok to save the changes.

        Once you define the values, only the configured pick-list selection is visible for agents and users.

  5. Click Ok.
  6. Click Save to save the new custom field.
  • Defining the data type ensures that proper data type is used throughout the LiveVox Portal (LVP). Once a data type is defined for a custom field, only that data type is accepted (For example - If data is defined as a Number Type, only integers or fractional numbers are stored).
  • Segmentation and Advanced Search logic dynamically change their relational operators to correspond with the data type.
  • You can update the label for each phone field in the Contacts manager through the Fields editor. Once labeled, the name persists throughout the platform where the phone position is referred.

Editing Custom Columns

  1. Select the Entity where the custom field is listed.
  2. Select the custom field you want to edit.
  3. Double-click the required field to open the Edit Custom Columns screen.
  4. Update the label and data type and click OK.
  5. Click Save to save the changes.
  • In addition to the existing 114 standard fields, LiveVox currently offers 100 additional custom fields for Contact Manager.
  • Currently, 49 system fields are available for Account and 35 system fields are available for the Ticket entity. You can add up to 100 custom fields to Accounts/Ticket Record, and up to 20 custom fields to Agent Details.
  • Contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team if you want to delete a custom field.