You can create a new user only if you are a sysadmin or superuser.
To create a new user:
In the User pop-up window, enter the basic user details such as user name, first and last names, password, email address, etc. The user ID is automatically populated once you save the details and create the user.
Username and password are case-sensitive. With the password management functionality enabled, the following also applies:
From the Role drop-down list, select an appropriate role for the user. For example, you can select Superuser or Manager.
To know more about the access permissions and powers for each role type, see User Roles and Permissions. |
In the Optional Powers tab, enable the optional powers for users by selecting the required checkboxes.
Find an overview of Optional Powers for managers on the View Existing Users page. |
A default profile picture is available for each created user.
To update the profile picture:
To change the user password: