The ACD Settings tab of the Services screen contains the following fields.
Field | Description | |
Volume Control Enabled | Allows agents to increase or decrease the microphone or customer volume, and to mute the microphone | |
ACD Scheduled Callback PH Readonly | Prevents agents from modifying the phone number when scheduling a callback | |
ACD Scheduled Callback | If this checkbox is selected, agents can schedule a future callback.
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ACD PTP Enabled | Forces agents to enter a dollar amount in a text box if an appropriate Promise to Pay termination code is selected | |
Agent Desktop | Selects which predefined agent desktop will be applied to this service. If Select One is displayed, your Client level or Call Center level ACD Agent Desktop will be applied. | |
Call Acceptance Enabled | Requires agents to accept calls | |
Default Agent Phonebook | Phonebook assigned to the service | |
Call Acceptance Timeout (Sec) | The number of seconds that an agent has to accept a call (when call acceptance is enabled) | |
Secure Credit Card Capture Message | Allows selection of a configured payment IVR message (should be selected for Basic or Advanced options only). Clicking on the link next to this option will open the Messages screen to view the selected message in Call Flow Editor. | |
Secure Credit Card Capture Mode | If Disabled is selected (default), then no credit card payment options will be presented via the Agent Desktop for payment processing. The Basic option allows for a credit card payment processing option via IVR where payment information will be presented on the Agent Desktop. Sensitive payment information is not stored within the call recording nor will data be logged. The Advanced option allows for a credit card payment process option via IVR where payment information is not presented on the Agent Desktop. Sensitive payment information is not stored within the call recording nor will data be logged. This option supports integration via Call Flow Editor with web service payment gateways. Agents will have the ability to process various payment transactions (e.g. one-time payment, recurring payments & future payments) that are processed via the payment gateway. | |
Secure Check Capture Message | Allows selection of a configured payment IVR message (should be selected for Basic or Advanced options only). Clicking on the link next to this option will open the Messages screen to view the selected message in Call Flow Editor. | |
Secure Check Capture Mode | If Disabled is selected (default), then no check payment options will be presented via the Agent Desktop for payment processing. The Basic option allows for a check payment processing option via IVR where payment information will be presented on the Agent Desktop. The Advanced option allows for a check payment process option via IVR where payment information is not presented on the Agent Desktop. Sensitive payment information is not stored within the call recording nor will data be logged. This option supports integration via Call Flow Editor with web service payment gateways. Agents will have the ability to process various payment transactions (e.g. one-time payment, recurring payments & future payments) that are processed via the payment gateway. | |
Priority Escalation Threshold (Sec) | The value in this field, which is represented in seconds, indicates the time at which a call receives the maximum priority (1). The transaction should linearly increase from its initial priority to the maximum priority over the time period defined. Priority is always rounded off to the closest integer. | |
Account Real-Time DNC | This checkbox, which is selected by default, indicates if DNC/DND checks are enabled on manual services. | |
Show HCI Numbers | This checkbox, which is selected by default, indicates if the HCI numbers are displayed to the clicker agent. | |
Manual Dial Allowed | If this checkbox is selected, agents can manually dial phone numbers or single-click contacts from the contact list widget. However, calls continue to be routed through the automated system.
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Voice Compliance Enabled | This checkbox, which is selected by default, indicates if the calls initiated by agents must comply with the policies in the profile assigned to the service. If you retain the status, calls initiated by agents consider the profile policies. In addition, agents must re-enter the 10-digit phone number on the contact widget before dialing the number. If you clear the checkbox, agents can initiate calls regardless of the profile policies. This status is utilized for manual services that allow international calls to be made outside the default contact window of 08:00 Eastern Time-21:00 Pacific Time. | |
SMS Compliance Enabled | This checkbox, which is selected by default, indicates if the text messages initiated by agents must comply with the policies in the profile assigned to the service. If you retain the status, text messages initiated by agents consider the profile policies. If you clear the checkbox, agents can initiate text messages regardless of the profile policies. |