Navigate to the Client editor by selecting Configure > Services > Client from the Navigation Panel.

The Client editor main page offers the following tabs and links:
- General: Displays the Client ID, Client Code, and the name of the client. See Client Editor - General Tab section for detailed information.
- Call Centers: Lists the call centers, the number of services, and the number of campaigns for each call center. See Client Editor -Call Centers Tab section for detailed information.
- Campaigns: This section allows you to view and control dialing lists. See Client Editor - Campaigns Tab section for detailed information.
- Change History: Displays the recent changes made to the parameters in the Client editor. See Client Editor - Change History Tab section for detailed information.
- Billing: Displays billable add-on products (view only). See Client Editor - Billing Tab section for detailed information.
- Phone Numbers: Allows a view of ’end-to-end’ configuration of inbound numbers (Number > Service > Message/Call Flow). See Client Editor - Phone Numbers Tab section for detailed information.
- Job History: Reporting jobs histories are available (and searchable) from here. See Client Editor - Job History Tab section for detailed information.
- Jobs: Reporting jobs, their steps, and status are available from this section. See Client Editor - Jobs Tab section for detailed information.
- Messaging: Displays the default input filter as well as the Property(s) section. See Client Editor - Messaging Tab section for detailed information.
- Portal: Displays the settings for Agent Desktop. You can customize the icon that appears at the top left of your LiveVox Portal (LVP) by using the settings in this screen. See Client Editor - Portal Tab section for detailed information.
- Security: Displays parameters for centralized control over security configuration options for both LVP and ACD users. See Client Editor - Security Tab section for detailed information.
- Settings: Displays the general settings on the client level. See Client Editor - Settings Tab section for detailed information.
- Trusted Partners: The Trusted Partner model allows two LiveVox sites to share data. A Partner is a LiveVox client that needs to have access rights to another LiveVox client to audit or measure their work. The Trusted Partners tab allows to view which clients and user access levels within those clients may act as a partner for them. See Client Editor - Trusted Partners Tab section for detailed information.
- Services: Details on each service, including current dialing information, are available here. See Client Editor - Services Tab section for detailed information.
- Voice Pool: Displays a list of available voices and selected voices. The Voice Talents accessible when assigning dial attributes to a campaign are controlled here. See Client Editor - Voice Pool Tab section for detailed information.
- Client Site: Click the Client Site link to access the main screen of the LVP.
- Agent Site: Click the Agent Site link to access the LiveVox Agent Desktop sign in screen.