Trusted Partners is a model to manage the relationship between LiveVox clients. This functionality can be used by OCA (Outsource Collection Agency) clients as well as clients with multiple portals utilizing PDAS. A Partner is a LiveVox client that needs to have access rights to another LiveVox client to audit or measure their work. Partners can be added across environments. The Trusted Partners tab under the Client editor allows to view which clients and user access levels within those clients may act as a partner for them.
The Trusted Partners tab is available in the Client editor only if the Trusted Partners add-on product is enabled.
Once the partner is added on request, you get the widget for the partnered client. You need to approve the partnered client by clicking on the Approve button. To view the Approve button in the widget, hover the mouse on the widget.
The partner must be added to both client sites and then that partnership must be approved by both clients. |
Clicking on the icon displays the details of the third-party company or another LiveVox portal that is set up for you.
If you want to remove the partner, hover the mouse on the widget and click the Revoke button.
You can also undo the revoke action by clicking on the Undo button.