The LiveVox Portal interface comprises five sections: ConfigureMonitorReviewAnalytics, and WFO. By default, the ConfigureMonitor, and WFO tabs are automatically visible when you obtain a basic functionality license. The Analysis and Review tabs become accessible with the necessary licenses. You can view license information from the Client Billing section. Licenses determine the configurations available on your LVP. 

As a system administrator user, you have complete access to all the features within the application.

The LiveVox User Interface

The LiveVox user interface contains a number of elements that appear throughout while working on the platform. 

The descriptions for the numbers are listed in the table below:


Element Name


ConfigureThe Configure tab consists of configurable features that you can use to view or start a workflow. To view the complete feature/workflow, see Configure .


The Monitor tab of the LiveVox Portal enables you to monitor real-time statistics and metrics pertaining to calls, emails, SMSes, chats, accounts, and tickets. The Monitor tab contains the following dashboards. For more information, see Monitor.

ReviewThe Review tab consists of reports that you can use to view and analyze data from contact center operations.  You can use LiveVox Reports and dashboards to track key performance indicators (KPIs), such as call volume, call duration, call abandonment rate, and agent performance. For more information, see Review.

AnalyticsThe Analytics tab enables you to generate real-time and historical data from sources, such as call data, customer interaction, and agent performance. For more information, see Analyticstab.

WFOThe WFO (Workforce Management) tab helps to optimize the performance of the contact center operations. For more information, see WFO (WorkForce Management).

Quick SearchYou can use the Search option to search for any feature/workflow within the LiveVox platform.

Help Center

The Help Center provides access to online help that helps you navigate to the specific point of help you are currently in. You also have a link to the LiveVox Help Center containing topics to help you accomplish your tasks within the LiveVox platform.

Applications within LiveVox

When you click the LiveVox icon , you can access the Portal Mobile, Designer, and PBX applications.

User Profile

You can use the User Profile to perform the following tasks:

  • View User Tasks
  • View/Change the Settings
  • Edit User Permissions 
  • Log out of the LVP

For more information, see Managing a User Profile below.

Portal Mobile

You can view the LVP application on your mobile device. To access Portal Mobile  , you should have configured the email address in the User Profile.

DesignerDesigner is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, and it is called Agent Desktop - Designer Tab in this document. The Designer/Contact Center CRM allows agents to access customer information. The application is designed to provide agents working in a contact center environment with a single interface to access customer information and perform various tasks, such as making and receiving calls, sending and receiving texts, and handling email, and web chat interactions.

PBXThe LiveVox Private Branch Exchange (LV PBX), is a business telephone platform with advanced Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone and managed services, softphones and hard phones, and platform-wide reporting. LV PBX enables Knowledge Workers to communicate with each other or launch outbound calls through a centralized cloud-based VoIP phone service that is easy to administer.

Minimize or Expand the viewThis option lets you expand or minimize your viewing option.

Managing a User Profile

The profile page of a user contains information about that user. To navigate to the user profile options, click  from LVP. 

The following options are the available :

User Tasks

You can view information, such as the status of a task or the date and time when a task started or ended in the User Tasks window. You can access this window by clicking your avatar and then clicking User Tasks.
The User Tasks window displays all the tasks on the All tab and the tasks initiated by you on the Current User tab. Both tabs display the following columns.

Column Description
OperationName of the task performed (for example, DNC_UPLOAD).

Status of the task, indicated by one of the following icons:

  • : Indicates that the task is in progress.
  • : Indicates that the task is complete.
  • : Indicates that the task has failed.
DescriptionDescription of the status of the task (for example, the number of records created, updated, or failed).
Start TimeDate and time when the task started.
End TimeDate and time when the task ended.
Started ByName of the user who started the task (that is, the name of the user who attempted to import the file).

User Tasks Window


The Settings window has two tabs: 


To configure the settings:

  1. On the LiveVox Portal, click your profile, and then click Settings.

    The Settings window appears.

  2. To configure the General settings, on the Configuration tab, select the following checkboxes if required:

  3. Click Save.


The Internationalization tab reflects the time zone and language specified in the Client Editor Settings tab. 

Edit User

You can use this option to edit user Info and view the Details, Audit History, and Change History.

You can edit the following: