The LiveVox Portal (LVP) provides you a level of personalization through customizable interactive data panels called widgets. Widgets enable you to improve efficiency by focusing on key data. These include the ability to control or switch the information views as well as the scope and position of the panels used for monitoring campaigns and services.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) settings determine which widgets are displayed on the voice monitor dashboard for a given level of view (enterprise, call center, or service). You can, however, customize the dashboard to enable you to focus on key data. The GUI settings, including any changes to them, are maintained across browser sessions. You can also use the GUI settings to configure the general settings of LVP.
To configure the GUI settings:
Specify values in the following sections:
Force update when not visible: If you select this checkbox, the monitor dashboard refreshes automatically even when you are not viewing the dashboard.
Show Object ids with Object Names in dropdowns: If you select this checkbox, the applicable drop-down lists of LVP display an ID for each option in the list if available.
Dashboard Configurator
Level: Select the view level (enterprise, call center, or service) for which you want to configure the settings.
The Available Widgets subsection is updated accordingly.
Type: Select the type of widgets (inbound, outbound, or blended) to display in the Active Widgets subsection.
Available Widgets: Select the widget that you want to add, and then click Add.
The selected widget appears in the Active Widgets subsection.
You can remove a widget from the Active Widgets subsection by selecting it in the subsection and then clicking Delete. |
The Reset GUI Settings button enables you to revert your changes so that the widgets retain their original configuration. If you click this button, refresh the page to complete resetting all GUI settings. |