Contact Flow Engine (CFE) provides support for user-defined variables that are created and used on a per contact flow basis. You can create these variables by selecting the Contact Flow Variables button and later reference them within specific configuration properties of the http module as well as in the condition module. A contact flow variable is represented by its name (Variable Name) and its value (Default Value).
The following example demonstrates how to create a contact flow segment that reads back the consumer’s balance and transfers to different agents depending on whether the balance is greater than $100.
- You have access to CFE from the Configure tab within the Message section.
- You are familiar with the contact flow creation in CFE. This includes an understanding of how to use modules and connectors.
- You have a contact flow in progress.
- The voice portal has two agent classifications (skills in new versions of LVP)
- High Balance Agents
- General Agents
Below is a conceptual visualization of the contact flow that we will create.

Configuration Steps:
- Create a contact flow variable named “case_balance”.
- Click the Contact Flow Variables button to open the dialog, then click Add.
- In the Add Contact Flow Variable dialog, type “case_balance” for the Variable Name.
- Click Ok, then click Save to save the contact flow.

- Create a live_person module named ”your_case_balance” that uses the custom variable.
- Set Live Person Prompt Phrase to “Your balance is {case_balance (amount)} press 1 To return to the Main Menu or press 2 to speak to a service representative.”
Note: {case_balance (amount)} reads back the value of the case_balance variable as an amount. - Add {case_balance (amount)} to the Live Person Prompt Phrase.
- In the Phrases property dialog, click the Add Variable button.
- From the Source dropdown, select Call Flow and select case_balance variable.
- Double-click on the TTS Type field and select Amount.
- Click the Ok button to exit the Add Variable window
- Click the Ok button to exit the your_case_balance_phrases window.
- Click the Ok button to exit the live_person – Property(s) window.

- Create a condition module named “check_for_high_balance”.
- Set Condition Expression to “custom_variables.case_balance > 100”. Click OK to close the dialog windows.
- Create a connector from your_case_balance to check_for_high_balance.
- Set Event to “Key Press”.
- Set Value to “2”.

- Create an operator_transfer module named “transfer_to_high_balance_agent”.
- Set (ACD) Agent Skill ID to “High Balance Agents”,
- Create a connector from check_for_high_balance to transfer_to_high_balance_agent and set Event to “Success”.
- Create an operator_transfer module named “transfer_to_general_agent”.
- Set (ACD) Agent Skill ID to “General Agents”.
- Create a connector from check_for_high_balance to transfer_to_high_balance_agent and set Event to “Failure”.

- Create a live_person module named “no_agents_available”.
- Set Live Person Prompt Phrase to “I'm sorry, no operators are available at this time Please call back later.”
- Create a connector from transfer_to_high_balance_agent to no_agents_available and set Event to “agent_not_available".
- Create a connector from transfer_to_general_agent to no_agents_available and set Event to “agent_not_available".