Do Not Call lists are your adjustable lists of phone numbers, account numbers, and/or unique account+phone combinations which can restrict contacts. There are two DNC check types; build-time and dial-time. To verify the type of DNC option that is enabled for your portal, on LiveVox Portal, click Configure > Client / Service > Client > Settings > Advanced Features.
DNC Type | Description |
Legacy DNC | - Provides a Daily Account, Permanent Account, Daily Phone, and Permanent Phone DNC editor. This DNC check occurs at build time. This was the standard offering in all versions prior to Platform v. 6.0.
- A build-time DNC check occurs at the time of campaign build, i.e. when you click the wrench icon or the Build button once a campaign is uploaded.
Dial-Time Phone DNC | - Provides a DNC editor with Contact Group mapping and entry expiration date that ensures entries are not dialed, SMSed, or emailed during dial/SMS/email time. This DNC check occurs at dial/SMS/email time. The Phone Number DNC option is available in Platform v. 6.0. and higher. However, SMS and E-Mail suppression options are available in v. 9.0 and higher.
- The check occurs at the time of dialing/SMSing/emailing instead of build time, thus removing the need for the users to rebuild or re-queue the campaign.
- If you are on the platform version that supports both DNC types and you want to migrate to Dial-Time Phone DNC, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.
- Once the Phone DNC Type is set to Dial-Time Phone DNC, you will no longer be able to use Legacy DNC. All the existing permanent entries will migrate to the Contacts manager and the new Dial-Time Phone DNC table.