For an agent to make/receive calls they must be able to log in and have dialing services available. To add new agents:
Select Add from the Agents section. This opens the Agent screen.
Fill in the agent information under Info tab:
Agent ID: (cannot edit) An internal LiveVox reference number.
Logon ID: Unique name used by agent when logging in.
May only include letters a-z, numbers 0-9, underscore (_) and dot (.).
Please do not exceed 20 characters.
Email/SIP Address: Agent's email or SIP address if applicable.
First/Last Name: Descriptor of agent.
Password: Depending on the set password strength, a password must be a minimum of 8 or 12 characters containing at least 1 digit, 1 letter, and 1 special character (not required for medium password strength). Also, the password cannot match one of the previous four passwords.
Re-type Password: When adding or editing an agent you are required to validate the new password in this field.
Wrapup Time: Length of time allowed in Wrap Up mode between calls.
Agents with a defined wrap up limits will be placed back into "Not Ready" status after the time elapses. Calls, where agents are forced out of wrap up will be terminated with a generic Operator_Transfer result.
The default value for Wrap up Time is Unlimited, which allows agents to remain in wrap up mode until they select a termination code.
Audio Path Out: Displays the agent phone number.
Agent Team: Select agent team for the agent.
Home Agent: When checked, agent can change phone number at login.
Extension - Displays the agent extension if applicable. Extensions are 3-7 digits.
Active: When checked, the agent is allowed to login.
Security and Password Management.
Password management features include enforcing proper password robustness, locking the account after maximum failed attempts, and enforcing password expiration.
Unique Agent Check.
To prevent duplicates the system verifies if the agent Logon ID has been previously used when adding new agents.
Voicemail - When checked, it allows to leave a voicemail for the agent with the corresponding call flow using the VM module via Call Flow editor.
Direct Line for Agent - An inbound phone number that will be used as agent direct line. To search for and assign the inbound number as direct line, select the link next to the field. Search for All or specific Number Type, then select the desired inbound number. Clicking on the X icon will de-assign the number.
Contact Client Services if you require a new phone number added to use as agent's direct line.
Last Login: Displays the agent's last login date and time.
Last IP: Displays the last IP used by the agent.
For detailed information about Agent Skill Mapping tab, see Agent Skill Mapping section.
The Change History tab tracks and displays the changes made to the agent profile.
For detailed information about Service Mapping tab, see Agent Service Mapping section.
The Scheduled Callback tab allows you to view and adjust the schedule of future callbacks for a specific agent. See Managing Scheduled Callbacks section for more information.