The ACD Settings tab displays all ACD settings for the selected service:
Default Agent Phonebook - Phonebook assigned to the service.
Priority Escalation Threshold (Sec) - Setting in seconds upon which the call will receive the maximum priority (1). The transaction should linearly increase from its initial priority to max priority over the time period defined. Priority should always be rounded to the closest integer.
Account Real-Time DNC - When checked, enables DNC/DND checks on Manual Services. This option is enabled by default.
Show HCI Numbers - When checked, displays HCI numbers to the clicker agent. This option is enabled by default.
Manual Dial Allowed - If checked, agents can manually dial phone numbers or single-click contacts from the contact list widget. However, calls continue to be routed through the automated system.
Outbound Compliance Enabled - If not checked, allows dialing outside of standard North American continental hours of operation for international manual dial service. When checked, the contact list widget will require agents to re-enter the 10 digit phone number to confirm and manually dial the selected contact.
Contact Client Services to configure international manual dialing functionality for your target country. |