The ACD Settings tab displays all ACD settings for the selected service:
Default Agent Phonebook: Phonebook assigned to the service.
Account Real-Time DNC: When checked, enables DNC/DND checks on Manual Services. This option is enabled by default.
Show HCI Numbers: When checked, displays HCI numbers to the clicker agent. This option is enabled by default.
Manual Dial Allowed: If checked, agents can manually dial phone numbers or single-click contacts from the contact list widget. However, calls continue to be routed through the automated system.
Outbound Compliance Enabled: If not checked, allows dialing outside of standard North American continental hours of operation for international manual dial service. When checked, the contact list widget will require agents to re-enter the 10 digit phone number to confirm and manually dial the selected contact.
Contact Client Services to configure international manual dialing functionality for your target country. |