The Chat Input module enables you to add input fields for the customer to enter information, such as plain text, numbers, emails, and dates during an interaction with a bot.

This module connects from the chat module in the contact flow.

This module:

Message Properties

Display Name


Variable to store the inbound chat message with captured dataA variable that will hold the data entered by the customer in the contact flow (input_variable)
Input field type: text, integer, email, date, phone

If either 'email', 'phone', or 'date' are selected, the entered data will be validated against the expected value.

If 'integer' is selected, only integer numbers will be allowed, else any text entered will be captured.

The max_size and min_size values will validate the entered data's length.

Label/hint for fieldLabels or placeholders (displayed inside the field) to hint to the user about the expected information.
Maximum number of characters to accept

The maximum number of characters in all the cases (including "integer" types).

Default 0, no max size

Minimum number of characters to accept

The minimum number of characters expected in data entered.

Default 0, no minimum.


For information on the module connectors, see Understanding Connectors.