Ensure that an appropriate contact input filter is created. For more information, see Input Filter.

You can import contacts from a file into Contact Manager on the LiveVox Portal (LVP). To do so:

  1. On the Configure tab of LVP, click Contacts > Contacts.
    The Contacts window appears.
  2. On the Contacts tab, click Import.
    The Import Contacts window appears.

  3. In the File field, click Choose File, and then select the file that you want to import.
  4. In the File Format field, select the input filter.

  5. Optional: To customize the file format:

    1. Click Customize Format.
      The Contact Columns window appears. The table in the window displays the mapping of the columns. 

    2. Modify the values in the fields.

      For more information about the fields, see Input Filter Fields (the General section).

    3. To modify a mapping, double-click the row displaying the mapping.
      The Edit Mapping window appears. 
    4. Modify the values in the fields.

      For more information about the fields, see Input Filter Fields (the Mapping section).

    5. To replace a specific value in a field in the file with a different value on LVP, see Creating an Input Filter (the Substituting a Value section).

    6. If you want to save your changes to the format as a new input filter:

      1. Click Save As Input.
        The Add Name window appears.

      2. In the Name field, enter a name for identifying the filter

      3. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description of the filter.

      4. Click OK.
        A message stating that the input filter is created appears. 

        This input filter is available in the Input Filter(s) field in the Input window. You can access this window by clicking Input / Output > Input Filter on the Configure tab. 

        In addition, the Import Contacts window displaying the Data Format section appears. This section displays the columns that will be imported.

      5. Go to Step 6.

    7. In the Contact Columns window, click OK.
      The Import Contacts window displaying the Data Format section appears. This section displays the columns that will be imported.
  6. Click Import.
    A message stating that the import task is running appears.

    You can view the status of the task in the User Tasks window, which appears when you click your avatar and then click User Tasks.

  7. After the message disappears, refresh the window.
    All the contacts in the file are imported to LVP, and they appear on the Contacts tab.