Segmentation allows you to filter the contacts within a campaign into separate sub-campaigns based on data provided in contact fields. You can define the segmentation templates by source and use them against Contact Manager or individual campaign uploads.

The following terminologies are used in the Segmentation tool:

Navigate to the Segmentation tool by selecting Configure > Campaigns > Segmentation from the navigation panel.

Creating a New Segmentation

To set up a new Segmentation, follow the procedure:

  1. Click Add in the bottom left corner of the Segmentation panel. The Add Segmentation screen appears.

  2. The Source field includes the values Transaction and Contact
    1. Contact only works for if you are building out of Contact Manager
    2. Transaction only works for file-based campaigns
  3. Specify a Segmentation name in the Name field.

  4. Specify the filename to apply the Segmentation to a specific file in the Filename Format field. The asterisk character acts as a wildcard for a filename.
  5. Click the Required checkbox to define whether the filename convention is required or not.

  6. Click the Enabled checkbox to define if the segmentation rule is applicable to a campaign or not.
  7. Click the Add button at the bottom left of the Add Segmentation screen to set up a Segmentation. The Add Segment screen appears.

  8. Define the Name and Description of the Segment.

    You can use the following variables in the Segment name:

    • [FN] – file name without extension
    • [EXT] – file name extension (ex:.txt)
    • [YYYY] – 4 digit year
    • [YY] – 2 digit year
    • [MM] – 2 digit month
    • [DD] – 2 digit day

    For example, entries in the format [YYYY]_MyCampaign_[FN][EXT] could look like: 2021_MyCampaign_DailyUpload.txt

  9. Select the appropriate disposition from the Disposition drop-down menu to define whether records should be split or excluded. Excluded records remain with the original campaign.

  10. To add a rule that defines the condition by which contacts are filtered, click and drag the and operator icon . The Add Rule screen appears.

  11. You can configure the following options to define the filter conditions in the Add Rule screen:

  12. Click OK to save the Rule.
  13. Setup schedules that are applied to the Segment within the Configuration tab of the Segment screen. The functionality of the Configuration tab closely mirrors that of Campaign Templates. For scheduling instructions, refer to Campaign Templates.

  14. Configure the schedule(s) for the Segment and click Save to complete the setup.
  15. After all the Segments are set up, click the Save button from the Segmentation tool to save the Segmentation.

Editing and Managing Segmentation

Segments are prioritized by the order they are listed in. You can change this order by selecting a row and using the vertical arrow buttons on the right side to move specific Segmentation up or down in the list. Click the Save button when the correct order is set.

After you add new Segmentation, you can update it by adding, deleting, or copying Segments.

  1. To edit an existing Segmentation, double-click its row within the Segmentation tool to bring up the Edit Segmentation window.
  2. Click the name of a Segment to highlight it with a dotted green line.
  3. To view the list of Segments within the Segmentation, their description, and applied rules, click the Segments tab.

    The Segments tab also allows you to search for specific Segments by name and by applying filters of Criteria, Voice, AM Option, Schedule or Scrub options.
  4. Double-click a Segment row to access the Segment editor.
  5. To add a rule, click and drag the operator icon for the Add Rule screen. To edit a rule, double-click a node for the Edit Rule window.
  6. Navigate to the Configuration tab of the Segments window to view the configured campaign elements.

Copying Segmentation and Segments

  1. To copy a Segmentation, hover on the Segmentation row and click the Copy icon at the right end.
  2. In the Copy Segmentation To window that appears, enter a name for the new Segmentation and click Confirm.
  3. To copy Segments within a Segmentation, navigate to the Segments tab in the Segmentation tool, and click the Copy icon on the Segment row. 
  4. In the Copy Segment To window that appears, enter the new Segment name and click Confirm.

    All the rules within the Segment are copied. This tool is useful when repeating similar Segments within a Segmentation.