To configure or view the job history of daily zipped batched screen recordings, click the Screen Recording link under the Jobs tab of the Client editor. You are presented with the Configure Screen Recording Job screen.

The Configure Screen Recording Job screen offers the following tabs.
- General - This tab allows you to configure the following fields for the screen recording job (refer to the above screenshot). Fields with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields.
- Description - Displays the description of the bulk screen recording job
- Enabled - Allows you to enable screen recording standard job. If you want to pause/terminate a standard job, deselect
- Index File Format* - Custom file format, available from the drop-down list, to be included in the screen recording zip file. This custom file format is created by using the Report Writer.
- Output Index File Name* - Name of the generated index file with the extension. For example, livevox.txt. Text file is preferred.
- Output Screen Recording File Name - Name of the generated screen recording file with the extension containing the batch of screen recordings. For example, Must be a zip file.
- Compress Zip - Allows you to enable/disable compression of recordings. The generated zip file is smaller in size since compression takes place at the recording level.
- Split By Call Center - Allows you to split the standard screen recording jobs by call center. The zip files are stored in the specific Call Center zip file.
- Call Center - Allows you to choose the call center(s) when using the Split By Call Center option for Standard Screen Recording jobs. Click the call center to move the selected call center to the Assigned column and vice-versa. Click Assign All to move all available call centers to the Assigned column and vice-versa.

- Password Enabled - Allows you to enable password protection for the zip file
- Password - Allows you to specify the password if the Password Enabled option is selected.
- Decrypt Screen Recordings - Allows you to enable/disable decryption of recordings. When the recordings are encrypted using the LiveVox PGP key, this option allows the recordings to be decrypted before the zip process. It is recommended that this option remains selected unless you want an encrypted file.
- Minimum Screen Recording Duration - Allows you to define the minimum screen recording duration to be included in daily batches. For example, the number 10 processes all recordings with a duration greater than 10 seconds.
- Maximum Screen Recording Duration - Allows you to define the maximum screen recording duration to be included in daily batches. For example, the number 100 processes all recordings with a duration of less than 100 seconds.
- Notification Status as Email to - Email address to send job status notifications. For example,
- Run Everyday at* - Allows you to define the time to run daily batches. For example, 01:00 schedules the job to run at 1:00 AM local time.
- Run 4 times per day - Allows you to run the job 4 times a day. The job runs at 6-hour intervals if the Run 4 times per day option is enabled.
- Job History - Track standard screen recording job and its status (Success or Failure).