To add a new DNC entry to the Contact Group:
- Navigate to Phone Number, SMS, or E-Mail tab for which you want to add the DNC entry.
- Click Add. The Add DNC popup appears.

- Select the Type from the drop-down list to add the entry under a specific DNC list. The available options are, Phone, SMS, E-mail.
- Enter the Phone Number (applicable for Phone and SMS type) or Email Address (applicable for Email type).
- Enter Expiration Date or click on the calendar icon to select an Expiration Date for the phone number, SMS, or e-mail. You can set the date on which the DNC entry is removed.
- Select the Contact Group from the drop-down list so that a phone number or email address (may be available in different portfolios) will be restricted to the specified Contact Group associated with it. If a phone number, SMS, or email address does not have a Contact Group associated, the entry is restricted site-wide regardless of DNC Contact Group mapping in the Service editor.
- Click Save. The new DNC entry is added.
- If you set the Expiration Date for 3/6/2019, the first time you can contact the number or email is on 3/7/2019.
- Wild card entries are not supported. If you need to block an entire area code, you can create a policy using the Profile editor. For more information, see Profile Editor.
- Zipcode entries are not supported.
- If a phone number or email address within the DNC editor does not have a Contact Group associated, it is restricted at the client level at dial-time regardless of DNC Contact Group mapping within the Service editor.