To add a new DNC entry to the Contact Group:

  1. Navigate to Phone NumberSMS, or E-Mail tab for which you want to add the DNC entry.
  2. Click Add. The Add DNC popup appears.

  3. Select the Type from the drop-down list to add the entry under a specific DNC list. The available options are, Phone, SMS, E-mail.
  4. Enter the Phone Number (applicable for Phone and SMS type) or Email Address (applicable for Email type).
  5. Enter Expiration Date or click on the calendar icon to select an Expiration Date for the phone number, SMS, or e-mail. You can set the date on which the DNC entry is removed. 
  6. Select the Contact Group from the drop-down list so that a phone number or email address (may be available in different portfolios) will be restricted to the specified Contact Group associated with it. If a phone number, SMS, or email address does not have a Contact Group associated, the entry is restricted site-wide regardless of DNC Contact Group mapping in the Service editor.
  7. Click Save. The new DNC entry is added.
  • If you set the Expiration Date for 3/6/2019, the first time you can contact the number or email is on 3/7/2019.
  • Wild card entries are not supported. If you need to block an entire area code, you can create a policy using the Profile editor. For more information, see Profile Editor.
  • Zipcode entries are not supported.
  • If a phone number or email address within the DNC editor does not have a Contact Group associated, it is restricted at the client level at dial-time regardless of DNC Contact Group mapping within the Service editor.