The Phone Numbers tab displays all phone numbers within the client portal and allows you to identify, assign, modify and disassociate phone numbers from one service to another. This tool compiles all assigned phone numbers (Agent Dial-In numbers, Extensions, Agent Direct Lines, LCID, Inbound numbers & Caller ID numbers) in a single view for easier management.
PIN: PIN is required to access group voicemail (digits only).
Group voicemail PIN is not required with voicemail 2.0. |
The list of phone numbers that can be set (Default option) to appear on the call recipient's Caller ID display.
CNAM: Outbound calls can be configured with customized CNAM (Caller NAMe) information (the alphanumeric description displayed on the Caller ID interface for consumers (or businesses)). This field supports 15 printable ASCII characters (A-Z, 0-9).
Campaigns using CID Package or File-Based caller ID do not use this number. |
Type the new number and click Save or Cancel to discard the changes.
The phone number has to be a numeric value and cannot exceed 10 digits. |
The Inbound phone Number section will be displayed only if the inbound service was selected from the Services drop-down list. This section allows to search for and view inbound phone numbers and their mappings.
The Inbound Phone Numbers can be filtered by:
Double-clicking on the inbound phone number row opens the Edit Phone Number screen which allows you to update the Description, Direct Line for Agent, Number Usage, State, City, and Status of the inbound phone number. Edit Phone Number screen also shows associated entities with the package. Use the filter option to specify the search according to Agent (Audio Path), Agent Call In Group, Agent Phonebook, LCID Package, Message, or Service (Caller ID Pool).
Select the number to be assigned and click OK.
Once the number is assigned, that number can not be changed. |