A service group defines the outbound services to which an agent can be assigned, to receive data from the contributing inbound and outbound services.
To add a new service group:
- On the Configure tab, click Services > Service Groups and click Add.

- Specify the attributes of the service group:
- Name: The description assigned to the service group to distinguish it from other service groups.
- Type: Each service group can have one type of attribute assigned to it at all times. The service group type, in combination with the agent's skill level, determines how calls are prioritized among agents. The degree to which a service group uses the agent's skill is defined by the service group’s type attribute. The following types are available:
- LONGEST_AVAILABLE_AGENT: If no agents with the corresponding skill set are available, the call is transferred to the longest serving available agent in the same service group regardless of that agent's skill level.
- STRICT_CLASSIFICATION: If no agents with the proper skill are immediately available to take the call, the system will continue searching until a qualified agent becomes available or the service’s maximum hold time is reached. Hold time can be configured in the message. Once the maximum hold time is reached, the call will be terminated.
- STRICT_OVERFLOW: If no agents with the corresponding skill set are available, the call is put on hold until the maximum hold-time (configured in the template) is reached. Then, the system expands the target selection to include all agents in the service group and the call is transferred to the longest serving available agent. If no agents are available, the system continues to search for an available agent (no more maximum hold- time action).
- UNIFORM_DISTRIBUTION: Clicker agents assigned to human call initiator (HCI) service or 10DMT service that are configured with this type of service group can initiate calls on these configured HCI or 10DMT services. A maximum of 10 services are recommended for optimal performance with this service group type.
- Is Enabled: Sets the service group as enabled (routing rules defined in the service group are applied) or disabled (routing rules not applied).
Under the General section, click the required services in the Available column to assign the services to the service group. Click the items in the Available column to assign services to the service group. Click Assign All to move all services to the Assigned column. Click Remove All to move the items back to the Available column.
The Change History tab displays the changes.
Service group types allow for advanced call routing configuration using Classifications. For more information on call routing options see Managing service groups. |