The Job History tab of Client editor tracks and displays jobs, when they were performed, and the outcome of each job.

Reporting jobs histories are available (and searchable) from here. For details on the steps taken in each job, when they were performed, and the outcome of each step check the Show steps box and click the Search button. The Job History tab displays the following fields:
- Job Name: Displays the name of the Job that was performed.
- Start Time: Displays the date and time when the job started.
- End Time: Displays the date and time when the job ended.
- Duration (in secs): Displays the time taken (in secs) to perform a job.
- Status: Displays the status of the job: if the attempt to run the job was successful or there was an error or problem.
- Campaign ID: The ID assigned to the uploaded campaign.
- File Name: Displays the name of the file.
- Message: Displays the outcome of each job.