You can view details such as the status of your DNC upload tasks in the queue in the User Tasks window. The window also enables you to start DNC upload tasks and view their statuses (success or failure). You can access this window by clicking your avatar and then clicking User Tasks. The number next to the User Tasks option indicates the number of processing files. 

The User Tasks window displays the following columns.

OperationName of the task performed (for example, DNC_UPLOAD).

Status of the task, indicated by one of the following icons:

  • : Indicates that the task is in progress.
  • : Indicates that the task is complete.
  • : Indicates that the task has failed.
DescriptionDescription of the status of the task (for example, the number of records created, updated, or failed).
Start TimeDate and time when the task started.
End TimeDate and time when the task ended.
Started ByName of the user who started the task (that is, the name of the user who attempted to upload the file).

  • If the number of invalid records reaches 25, the entire upload fails—no record is added to the DNC.
  • If one of the records is invalid, the value in the Description column indicates the same. All valid records are still uploaded.
  • You can manually refresh the status of the tasks by clicking Refresh.