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The Penetration Detail Reports is comprised of a graph and tables of data that show account metrics at each unique attempt. This breaks out the Summary Report into more detail. It has the ability to be searched at the enterprise level, call center, or service based on the selection criteria when scheduling the report.

Accounts per Attempt: The columns are sequentially ordered for attempts by outcome. Aggregate values fall to the right and towards the bottom cells. The cells at the very bottom are percentages of successful and unsuccessful operator transfers.

All analytics reports must be scheduled from the Schedule Reports tab in order to run, and cannot be run live. Reports are generated Sunday night and are available Monday morning.

The Schedule Reports tab is only available to users with Sysadmin and Superuser level access.

Generate Report Criteria:

Required entries have an asterisk.  All other entries are optional.

  • Job Name - For organizational purposes the Job Name can be assigned to keep track of different "Job," or automatically generated report, purposes.
  • Generated Report Name - The name that will appear for the report in the Saved Reports tab. 
    • There is no particular naming syntax for “Generated Report Name”. You can make it slightly descriptive like “Weekly For Barbados “, or “MTD For Barbados”
    • The entry is limited to 100 characters.
    • The pattern $startDate and $endDate in the name are replaced by actual dates for the report.
  • Aggregate Report For - Set whether the scope of the report will be of one or more callcenter groups or one or more service. 
      • To be more informative it is advised that reports are grouped by type of service and book of business. 
    • Selected Call Center(s) - Define which call center(s) the report will generate data on.
    • Selected Service(s)- Define which service(s) the report will generate data on.
  • Aggregate Report Timeframe - Determines the scope of time the report will have data on
    • If Weekly option is chosen, the report is going to be generated for the previous week from Monday to Saturday and start/end date will be automatically populated.
    • If MTD option is chosen, the report is going to be generated from the 1st of the month to the current date and dates will be automatically populated.
  • Enable Report - Activates or deactivates the report.  

Once all report settings are correct select "Create Job," and a new entry will be added to the above Scheduled Reports pane. Edit a selection by highlighting, making edits, and selecting "Modify Job." 

Only 10 jobs per report are supported. Scheduled jobs can be deleted and replaced by new jobs. When the amount of jobs is exceeded, you will receive a system notification.

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