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This report provides in-depth campaign-level metrics for a selected time period for single or multiple services. Expand below to learn about options for searching and how to interpret outcomes.

This report may only be generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 90 days. LiveVox may provide results for additional time frames upon request. Data can be generated for up to 270 days prior. By default all times are in EST.

You can streamline your report by populating the fields listed below. However, populating the below fields is not mandatory to generate a report.

  1. Date Range: Enables you to type dates or choose them using the calendar drop down buttons. The calendar allows you to select the start and end date range.
    1. Advanced Date ConfigurationLaunches the Advanced Date Configuration selection interface. Click the link next to the calendar button to launch the interface. 
      1. You can select multiple sequential or non-sequential dates by using the Multiple option. You may enter dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format, or select them using the calendar button.
  2. Call Center: Select a call center with a drop-down menu.
    1. Multiple Call Center Selection – Launches the multiple call center selection window. Click the link next to the Call Center drop-down menu to launch the selection window.
      1. You can choose Multiple Services by holding down the Ctrl key.
      2. You can sort services in ascending or descending order by clicking the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.
      3. Use the arrow buttons to move the selection to the right-hand box. You may choose to move one service or call center at a time using the single arrow buttons or all services/call centers with the multiple arrow buttons.
  3. Service: Select a specific service using the Service drop-down box. If you select a particular call center prior to selecting a service, only the services available for that specific call center appear.
    1. Multiple Service Selection: Launches the multiple service selection window. Click the link next to the Service drop-down menu to launch the selection window.
      • You can choose Multiple Services by holding down the Ctrl key.
      • You can sort services in ascending or descending order by clicking the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.
  4. Campaign: Allows you to select a particular campaign for the report. 
  5. Campaign Pattern – Allows you to search by a portion of the campaign name. This is useful for running reports on a specific book of business with a similar filename.
    • The % symbol acts as a wildcard. If searching for filenames with a shared beginning (like new_business_date_time or Bobsaccounts_metal), type the shared component then the wildcard (new_business% or Bobsaccounts%).
  6. Show Results: Provides the automated LiveVox disposition codes accumulated for the specific campaign. This setting is selected by default.
  7. Show Termination Codes: If the selected campaign was run on an agent desktop service with disposition codes, the total of these codes is displayed within the report.
  8. Generate Detailed Report: Provides the ability to generate a report with detailed information.
  9. Generate Compact Report: Provides the ability to generate a report in a flat format. Each campaign is listed on one line within the generated report making it easier to manipulate the data if exported to excel.   
  10. Generate Chart: Provides a graphical view of key metrics.
  11. Service Type: Allows you to select a specific service type using the Service Type drop-down list. If a service type is selected, only the services available for that specific service type appear in the Services drop-down list.
    1. Multiple Service Selection – Launches the multiple service type selection window. Click the link next to the Service Type drop-down menu to launch the selection window.
      1. You can choose multiple Service Types by holding down the Ctrl key.
      2. You can sort Service Types in ascending or descending order by clicking the header. Navigate using the scroll bar along with the page buttons located both on the side and on the bottom of the selection criteria window.

After choosing the search parameters, generate the report by clicking the Generate Report button to the right of the search options. Depending on options selected, you will have Default, Compact, or Detailed mode.

  • Campaign: Campaign Name
  • Start Date: Start date and time (in Hours: Minutes: Seconds) when the campaign's first call is launched
  • End Date: End date and time (in Hours: Minutes: Seconds) when the campaign's last call is completed
  • Total Records: Total records in the campaign
  • Total Calls: Total number of calls attempted including records coded as Not Connected and excluding records coded as Not Made
  • Total Connected Calls: Total number of accounts connected to a live party or machine (answering machine, fax, etc.)
  • Attempted Operator Transfer: Total number of accounts the LiveVox system attempted to transfer to an agent
  • Successful Operator Transfer: Total number of accounts that successfully connected to an agent
  • Connected Call Minutes: Total rounded IVR and Hold minutes for all calls
  • Operator Transfer Minutes: Total duration of operator transfer calls displayed in minutes
  • Total Minutes: Total of Connected Call Minutes and Operator Transfer Minutes.
  • Campaign: Campaign Name
  • Start Date: Start date and time (in Hours: Minutes: Seconds) when the campaign's first call is launched
  • End Date: End date and time (in Hours: Minutes: Seconds) when the campaign's last call is completed
  • Total Records: Total records within the campaign
  • Total Calls: Total number of dials attempted including records coded as Not Connected and excluding records coded as Not Made
  • Total Connected Calls: Total number of accounts connected to a live party or machine (answering machine, fax, etc.)
  • Attempted Operator Transfer: Total number of accounts the LiveVox system attempted to transfer to an agent
  • Successful Operator Transfer: Total number of accounts that successfully connected to an agent
  • Operator Transfer Minutes: Total duration of operator transfer calls displayed in minutes
  • Total Minutes: Total of Connected Call Minutes and Operator Transfer Minutes
  • Connect Rate: Total Connected Calls / Total Calls
  • Live Connects: Number of calls answered by a live person
  • Live Connect Rate: Live Connects / Total Records
  • Automated Connects: Total calls answered by an answering machine or fax
  • Non-Connects: Total calls not connected
  • Automated Answering Machine Left Message: Total connected calls resulting in a “Machine, Left Message” result
  • Attempted Operator Transfer Rate: Attempted Operator Transfer / Total Connected Calls
  • Successful Operator Transfer Rate: Successful Operator Transfer / Attempted Operator Transfer
  • Failed Operator Transfers: Total operator transfer calls that failed to connect to an agent
  • Failed Operator Transfer Rate: Failed Operator Transfers / Attempted Operator Transfers
  • RPC: Payment/PTP: Accounts with final result type of RPC with promise to pay
  • RPC: no Payment/PTP: Accounts with final result type of RPC with no promise to pay
  • Total RPC: Total number of accounts with result type of RPC
  • Wrong Number: Total number of accounts with result type of Wrong Party Connect
  • Non-Contacts: Total number of accounts with result type of other
  • PTP Amount: Promise to Pay Amount
  • RPC Rate: Total RPC / Total Successful Operator Transfers
  • Conversion Rate: (RPC: Payment/PTP) / Total RPC
  • Connected Call Minutes: Total duration of connected calls in minutes
  • Total Charges: Total cost per minute * Total Minutes
  • Cost Per RPC: Total charges / Total RPCs.

When you select the Generate Chart option, a Summary of all Calls pie chart appears showing the Connects, Not Mades, Successful Opr Xfr, Failed Opr Xfr, and Not Connects categories. If you select the Show Results option, an additional chart representing the various results appears.

  • Export to: CSV, PDF, Excel – Allows you to export report and data to another file type.

The result codes positioned horizontally at the top of the report are explained in the Real Time Report's help section.

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