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An input filter converts the data from your input files into a format that can be recognized by the LiveVox Portal (LVP). You can create input filters to import data from files into the LiveVox database through field mapping and data transformation. You can use multiple input filters simultaneously to allow different business units with different customer relationship management (CRM) systems or file formats to use the same LiveVox services. Input filter also provides you the ability to create and define the input filter layouts to be used for Contact Manager imports.

Modifying a filter that is in use affects the interpretation of data. Instead, create a copy of the filter and test it using the new format before implementation.

To view details of a filter, select the filter in the Input Filter(s) field.

To create an input filter:

  1. Click Add Filter on the General tab.
  2. In the Add Filter window, specify values in the following fields.


    Select one of the following options:

    • Transaction: To create a field-mapping template for importing campaigns to LiveVox
    • Contact: To create a field-mapping template for importing contacts to LiveVox
    • Account: To create a field-mapping template for importing accounts to LiveVox
    • Ticketing: To create a field-mapping template for importing tickets to LiveVox
    • SMS DNC: To create a field-mapping template for importing Do-Not-Call lists of SMS numbers to LiveVox.
    • Phone DNC: To create a field-mapping template for importing Do-Not-Call lists of phone numbers to LiveVox.
    • Email DNC: To create a field-mapping template for importing Do-Not-Call lists of email addresses to LiveVox.

    Enter a name for the filter.

  3. Click OK.
    The General tab appears for the new filter.

  4. Specify values in the following fields.

    DescriptionEnter the description of the filter.
    Header in fileSelect the checkbox only if the file that you want to import contains headings.
    Allow EmptyThis checkbox appears only when the target is Contact, Account, or Ticketing. Clear the checkbox only if you do not want to specify null values for the specified columns when importing a file.
    TruncateThis checkbox appears only when the target is Contact, Account, or Ticketing. Clear the checkbox only if you do not want to shorten a field value if its length exceeds the limit.
    File Format

    Select one of the following options:

    • CSV: To import a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
    • Custom: To import a customized file. When you select this option, the following fields appear:
      • Field Delimiter: Enter the character that is used as the field delimiter.
      • Row Delimiter: Enter the character that is used as the row delimiter (for example, \n).
      • Quote: Enter the character that is used to enclose each field in the file (for example, ").
      • Escape Character: This field appears only if the target is Contact, Account, or Ticketing.
      • Fixed Row Length: Enter the length of each row.
    • Pipe: To import a .pipe file. This option appears only if the target is Contact, Account, or Ticketing
    • TAB Delimited: To import a Tab Separated Values (TSV) file
    • Fixed Fields with Row Delimiters: To import a CSV file that contains fields that have the same length and uses the row delimiter. When you select this option, the Total Length column appears in the mapping table on the General tab.
    Filename Pattern

    This field appears only when the target is Transaction.

    If multiple input filters exist for the Transaction target, to identify the filter, enter the pattern of the file name in this field. Ensure that the pattern is unique and that the name of the file that you import contains the same pattern.

    An asterisk ( * ) in the pattern indicates a wildcard at the beginning or end of the pattern. For example, the pattern *account indicates that the file name ends with account.

    A question mark ( ? ) in the pattern indicates a character placeholder, regardless of the type of character and its casing (that is, lowercase or uppercase). For example, the pattern ????_* indicates that the file name begins with four characters that are followed by an underscore ( _ ).

    A pipe ( | ) in the pattern indicates an OR logical separator. For example, the pattern maximum*|minimum*|NYC indicates that the file name begins with maximum, the file name begins with minimum, or the file name ends with NYC.

  5. Click Add Mapping.
    The Add Mapping window appears.
  6. Specify values in the following fields.

    PositionEnter the position of the column in the file.

    Select the field that appears as a column in the file that you want to import.

    The options that appear in the Columns field for a given target are the fields that appear in the Fields window for the same target (that is, entity).

    Total LengthThis field appears only if the value in the File Format field on the General tab is Fixed Fields with Row Delimiters.

    Depending on the value that you selected in the Columns field, a data type appears in this field by default. You can, however, change the value.

    The default data type for a given field is specified in the Fields window. 

    DescriptionEnter the purpose of the field that you selected in the Columns field.
    Default Value

    This field appears only when the target is Account or Ticketing.

    Select a value if the field that you selected in the Columns box is required in the business workflow and does not contain a value in the file. The calendar date picker appears if the field data type is a date.

    Substitute Value

    Enables you to transform static values to another value. You can substitute certain values during the Contact manager import process. This field supports up to 30 values with a maximum character size of 50. The calendar date picker appears if the field data type is a date.

  7. Click OK.
    The mapping is added, and it appears as a table on the General tab. You can add as many mappings as required. 

  8. Click Save Filter.
    The input filter is created, and the value appears in the Filter ID field.

  • If the target of the filter is Contact, the input filter appears as an option in the File Format field in the Import Contacts window when you attempt to import contacts. 
  • Before you can use an input filter for Automatic Call Distributor (ACD), ensure that the transformation is applied to the filter. For assistance regarding source columns and data types, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.

To modify a mapping:

  1. Select the input filter in the Input Filter(s) field.
  2. On the General tab, double-click the row displaying the mapping.
    The Edit Mapping window appears.
  3. Modify the values in the fields as required, and then click OK.
  4. Click Save Filter.

To delete a mapping:

  1. Select the row displaying the mapping.
  2. Click the Delete icon on the row.
  3. Click Save Filter.

To copy a filter (including its mappings):

  1. Click Copy Filter.
    The Copy Filter window appears.
  2. In the New Input Filter Name field, enter a name for the filter, and then click Copy.
    The new filter appears in the Input window.

To delete a filter, click Delete Filter, and then click OK in the Delete Filter window.

A transformation is applied through the input filter and modifies the information. Do not modify a LiveVox-created transformation, as they are used for functions not explained in this guide. Creating or copying/adjusting a LiveVox transformation is the easiest way to reproduce/tweak functionality without impacting production.

  1. Click the Transformation tab.
  2. Click Add Transformation. The Add Transformation window appears.
  3. Set module type to:
    1. RowTransform: Row Transformations modify the data at the record level, i.e. modify data for a single record at a time.
      1. Gate Transformations are used upon Row Transformations as an additional condition, i.e if you need to apply a Row transformation on a row on some specific condition, use Gate transformations.
      2. Gate Transformation tab enables you to select a gate. 
    2. SetTransform: Set Transformations modify the data at the campaign level, i.e. modify data for all the records at the same time.
  4. Select the module from the drop-down list. 
  5. Add values to the parameters listed under the Parameter Name column on the Module Transformation tab, by double-clicking the row. 
  6. Select OK, and then click Save Transformations to save the new transformation.

A valuable transformation is the set_extra_from_multiple_source tool. The major use for this transformation is to consolidate data from multiple non-ACD (agent Screen) readable database fields (such as custom_1 or customcol 1) into a single ACD readable DB field. Candidates for this ACD readable field are EXTRA_7, EXTRA_11, EXTRA_13, EXTRA_14, and EXTRA_15. There is a character limit of 100 for EXTRA_7, 50 for EXTRA_11, and 200 for EXTRA_13, EXTRA_14, and EXTRA_15. 

To create this transformation:

  1. Select Add Transformation.
  2. Set the Module Type to RowTransform
  3. Select the Module set_extra_from_multiple_source
    1. For "EXTRA_FIELD_NAME" type in exactly the name of the extra DB field not already in use elsewhere in the input file where the custom fields will be stored.  
      1. Example: EXTRA_13
    2. For "SOURCE_FIELD_LIST" type in the names of the original data locations exactly as they appear separated by commas.  Do not include any special characters or spaces. Example: CUSTOM_1,CUSTOM_2,CUSTOM_3,CUSTOM_4,CUSTOM_5,CUSTOM_7,CUSTOM_8
  4. Select OK.
  5. Click Save Transformations to save updates. Individual components of the Extra Field can now be expanded on the ACD. See section Unpacking a Transformation on the Desktop, in the LiveVox Administrative User Guide for details.

To delete a transformation:

  1. Select the row displaying the transformation.
  2. Click the Delete icon.
  3. Click Save Transformations.

The Entities tab shows which entities (client, call centers, or services) have been assigned the selected input filter.

The Transformation and Entities tabs appear for all targets of the input filter with the exception of Contact.

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